I have a question. Where is National? Are they still breathing? I know one of them is, the Senior Whip because I had the pleasure of having lunch with her last week. I ask the question because, while being the party representing the farming sector, they are failing to vocalise on the social issues that are currently damaging the country as a whole.

Unless I have missed something, I haven’t heard anything from the Opposition Statues Spokesperson or the Spokesperson for Black Lives. These are issues that those who support National need to hear them speak out on. Obviously, those positions don’t exist but National need dedicated people whose responsibility it is to speak on these topics. The only politician I’ve heard being critical of the statue nonsense is Winston Peters. Why give him the high ground?

On the economy, which overlaps social issues, I have heard only praise from National members on how she who must be obeyed has managed to control us. In other words, what a great job she’s done managing the COVID-19 runny nose and temperature that people got and most recovered from. Where was the Restaurant Spokesperson supporting Matt King and where was the Spokesperson of Social Distancing chastising Ardern and Bloomfield? Where was the Spokesperson on Justice taking Andrew Little to task for his comments to the mob at the weekend?

These are all issues that National supporters and the public need to hear the party speak out on. Instead, on the weekend, Todd Muller was in such awe of how well the incumbent bunch of incompetents had done he mentioned, by mistake, he’d joined their party!

It seems to me, rather worryingly, that National is straying even further left to take Labour on at its own game. I think this is a flawed strategy. To the extent that they are leaving fertile ground on the right for Act, it is good but Act probably won’t make up the ground National risk losing.

My message to National is to speak up on issues that are currently concerning to your electoral base, the silent majority, and give up on the Labour lite strategy. With Ardern as popular as she is, you’re playing right into her hands. If voters see little difference between the two main parties they’ll think there’s little point in changing horses.

I enjoyed my lunch date with the Senior Whip. She needs to, metaphorically speaking, do a bit of whipping to ensure the party is heading in the right direction. It is vital voters have a real choice.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.