If you’ve got half a brain and even the faintest inkling of how America’s federal system of government works, you may have been scratching your head, wondering what on earth the death of George Floyd has to do with President Trump. Or, indeed, any of the other palaver that the mostly lily-white idiots of “Black Lives Matter” have been gibbering about for the past week.

The federal government doesn’t run policing. The federal government doesn’t, in the main, run schools. Both of those are administered by states and cities. Sheriffs are elected by counties or cities.

And there is a noticeable trend in those systems. One that even a leftist doyen like Shaun King can’t help but notice.

As debates about police brutality and systemic racism rock the country in the wake of George Floyd’s horrific death at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King let himself utter an uncomfortable truth that other activists have been ignoring: Democrats control all the major cities where black people are experiencing the most police brutality and systemic racism.

Minneapolis, the flashpoint of the latest outbreak of leftist violence over “police brutality”, is a Democrat city in a Democrat state. Very, very, very Democrat. Minnesotans have voted more heavily Democrat than any state outside the “yellow dog Democrat” southern states (so-called, because they’d sooner have voted for a yellow dog than a Democrat, after the Republican Party freed the slaves). Minnesota was, along with DC, the sole holdout against Reagan’s clean sweep in 1984.

Which brings up the uncomfortable fact that Shaun King points out:

“Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now. We voted for them.”

Speaking with Tucker Carlson last week, Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center, noted that for the past 50 years, Democrats have been the boss of every major American city, flooding them with poverty programs that have made the situation worse.

“In the past 50 years, $22 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. Seventy percent goes not to the poor but those who serve poor people,” he said. “So many of those people taking office use this money to create a class of people who are running these cities, and now after 50 years of liberal Democrats running the inner cities, where we have all of these inequities that we have, race is being used as a ruse, as a means of deflecting attention away from critical questions such as, why are poor blacks failing in systems run by their own people? It’s more class than it is race … and now race is being used to deflect attention away from the failures of people running those institutions. The question is why are black kids failing in school systems run by their own people?”

“When Eric Holder was a U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C., a lot of young people were shot by the police, but they were black police shooting black kids, and not one was prosecuted,” he continued. “But there was no public outcry because as long as illegality or evil wears a black face, then it escapes detection and that’s what’s wrong with looking life through the prism of race. I don’t know what systemic racism is. Maybe someone can explain what that means.”

Bob Woodson. The BFD.

So, is Shaun King about to sign on with the “Walk Away” movement? Don’t bet on it. But, when even “Talcum X” is noticing the yawning gap between Democrat rhetoric and action on “black lives matter”, then the jig is well and truly up.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...