Giacomino Nicolazzo is an Italian-American writer who, it seems fairly obvious, is not a fan of left-wing politics. As such, his characterisation of most left-wing politicians as “communists” might be taken with a grain of salt.

But his account of the concatenation of dodgy policy decisions which ultimately, if unintentionally, did so much to fuel Italy’s pandemic disaster is a compelling one.

As I’ve written before, the worst depredations of the virus can be laid at the feet of official incompetence and malfeasance. Italy had both in spades.

It has everything to do with communists. Allow me to explain[…]

At the same time that [Matteo] Renzi was leading Italy into oblivion, strange things were happening in Italy’s economy. Banks were failing…but not closing. Retirement ages were being extended…for some reason the pension funds were dwindling or disappearing. The national sales tax we call IVA (Value Added Tax) rose from 18% to 20%, then to 21% and again to 22%.

Added to Italy’s financial woes, exacerbated by the heavy hand of the European Union interfering much as it had in Greece, Italy was subjected to the same global pillage China, aided and abetted by globalism-besotted Western governments, wreaked on the world.

Now the reason I mention Renzi and the Chinese together is that strange things were also going on between the governments of Italy and China[…]

To be brief…China was getting away with purchases and acquisitions in violation of Italian law and EU Trade Agreements with the US and the UK…and no one in either of those countries (not Obama in the US or Cameron in the UK) said a thing in their country’s defense. As a matter of fact, much of it was hidden from the public in all three countries.

The BFD has extensively chronicled China’s incursions into New Zealand’s political economy. In Australia, Chinese companies snapped up strategic investments without any restraint or oversight. Italy was silently invaded even more extensively.

As many have already noted, it is not coincidental that Italy’s virus disaster has been mostly experienced in regions which have huge numbers of often illegal Chinese sweatshops.

Quite literally, tens of thousands of Chinese came in through Milano (illegally) and went back out carrying money, technology and corporate secrets.

Thousands more were allowed to enter and disappeared into shadows of Milano and other manufacturing cities of Lombardy, only to surface in illegal sewing shops, producing knock-off designer clothes and slapping ‘Made In Italy’ labels on them. All with the tacit approval of the Renzi government.

It was not until there was a change in the governing party in Italy that the sweatshops and the illegal entry and departure of Chinese nationals was stopped. Matteo Salvini, representing the Lega Nord party, closed Italy’s ports to immigrants and systematically began disassembling the sweatshops and deporting those in Italy illegally.

But his rise to power was short-lived.

As happened across the EU especially, national governments who threatened the globalists’ cherished nostrums were dealt with in no short order. It was particularly easily done in Italy, the very home of Fascism, itself an offshoot of Italian socialism.

Italy is a communist country…socialism is in the national DNA. Ways were found to remove Salvini, after which the communist party, under the direction of Giuseppe Conte, reopened the ports. Immediately, thousands of unvetted, undocumented refugees from the Middle East and East Africa began pouring in again.

Access was again provided to the Chinese, under the old terms, and as a consequence thousands of Chinese, the majority from Wuhan, began arriving in Milano.

In December of last year, the first inklings of a coronavirus were noticed in Lombardy…in the Chinese neighborhoods. There is no doubt amongst senior medical officials that the virus was brought here from China.

Once again, globalism is to blame. Chinese sweatshop workers and African illegal immigrants are only doing what, I suspect, most of us would do in the same circumstances: grabbing an opportunity. But that opportunity comes at the cost of native citizens. Citizens of nations also have the right to protect what they have. Globalism tramples that right into the mire of its open borders fantasies.

The Far-Left politicians sold out and betrayed the Italian people with open border policies and social justice programs. One of the reasons the health care system collapsed so quickly is because the Renzi government (and now continued under the Conte government) redirected funds meant to sustain the medical system, to pay for the tens of thousands of immigrants brought in to Italy against the will of the Italian people.

Globalism, not communism (unless you see the two as synonymous, a not entirely unfair proposition) is the true villain of this grisly drama.

The Fall of Rome. The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...