Torn between protecting our tourist industry or protecting the country from coronavirus, our PM has attempted to do both. She has a bob each way and her reward will undoubtedly be a loss on both counts. The punter who puts a bob each way rather than everything on the nose has no real conviction about which horse to back. I ask you, fellow punters, should she protect the tourist dollar or our health? Ardern has preordained this outcome and it is curtains for both – goodbye tourist dollar, hello coronavirus.

Ardern boasted that she is leading the world in the fight against coronavirus, a complete falsehood as Spanish Bride aptly pointed out with enough examples.

“If you fact check her claim that her policy is the “widest ranging and toughest border restrictions of any country in the world” you can only come to the conclusion that it is a complete falsehood.”


Far from demonstrating strong leadership regarding coronavirus, the PM has little commitment to keeping us safe. She could have closed our borders to contain the virus but instead chose to have a go at two objectives: protect the dwindling tourist dollar and contain coronavirus. This sitting on the fence is usually the domain of a self-made bureaucrat weighing up financial effects rather than a strong leader with a heart for the people they represent. If overseas experience is anything to go by, this indecisive trade-off will cost us dearly.

If public health and safety had been her number one priority our borders would have been closed to all but returning residents. How easy would the border be to protect compared to the vagaries of self-isolation? Now we have confused and moronic travellers breathing out coronavirus as they wander at will.

Countries worst hit are forced into lockdown in a last-ditch effort to contain it. After thousands of deaths, they finally reach the conclusion it is time to put health first.

“In a lockdown similar to the one already imposed in Italy, people [in Spain] will be allowed to leave their homes only to buy food and medicine, commute to work, go to hospitals and banks, or take trips related to the care of the young and the elderly. 

All schools and universities were closed, along with restaurants, bars, hotels and other non-essential retail businesses.’From now we enter into a new phase,’ Sanchez said after a Cabinet meeting that lasted over seven hours. ‘

We won’t hesitate in doing what we must to beat the virus.

We are putting health first.’ 

Meanwhile, it was announced that all French ski resorts are closing today and will not reopen for the rest of the season. ‘The ski season ends today,’ Domaines Skiables de France, which groups the country’s resort operators, said on Twitter.”

Daily Mail UK
The BFD. The mortuary at the local hospital is full, with bodies kept in churches before funeral service in Bergamo, Italy.

Italy, Spain and France learnt their lesson after many deaths. It was a coward’s choice here imposing self-isolation.

Businesses are drawing up plans for employees to work from home – but our borders are wide open. Schools and universities are talking about closing – but our borders are wide open.

Protecting the tourist dollar at the price of public health looks very silly when the overseas experience is that sane and sensible people stay home and only the selfish and moronic travel.

A coronavirus-infected Australian crossed the ditch before waiting for his test results, content to wander at large amongst the unsuspecting. European freedom campers arriving after self-isolation kicked in are doing the same.

It’s just a matter of days or weeks before coronavirus cases become impossible to trace and the epidemic begins. It is far too late to think about the tourist dollar. The only advantage our PM will get from sitting in this fence is a very good view of coronavirus spreading.

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I am happily a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define. Four generations ago my forebears left overcrowded, poverty ridden England, Ireland and Germany for better prospects here. They were...