Dear Editor

I’ve noticed a lot of people freaking out over the speech Ricky Gervais gave at the Golden Globes. It seems that few people allow the mere possibility to cross their minds that the whole thing was scripted. The cameras did not find the right faces at the right moment in a large room full of people by accident.

It was funny yes, it was the burn the average guy craved. How convenient that the Golden Globes is on everyone’s lips and all over the internet. How convenient that the anger people feel towards the Hollywood elites have simmered down. They got put in their place after all. Yay! Unless it was all planned, then we are the suckers and I believe we have been suckered.

The only person that went off script was Joachim Phoenix, did you notice how they tried to drown him out with their music when he basically told them they should practice what they preach? They did not do that to Ricky while he was berating the Hollywood elites. Why? Because they knew what was coming.

As for their expressions, they are actors, if anyone knows how to feign shock and surprise when a camera points in their direction, it’s them. This might be an unpopular view, but I see the Ricky Gervais speech in the same way as I see the Greta speech.

She said the things the UN wanted to hear, Ricky said the things the common folk wanted to hear. Each was scripted, each targeted group was satisfied and erupted in applause.
Neither was organic.
Our Greta moment…


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