The one topic that is screwing society up more than any other is climate change or global warming or whatever the latest catchphrase is. Let me make it clear at the start we are all aware of climate change. There have been ice ages and warming periods and floods and bushfires forever. Should we take notice? Yes, of course, but that doesn’t mean to say we follow the script as outlined by the Greens, Al Gore, George Soros, ulterior motive scientists, the UN, the Left in general and anyone else wanting to make a buck out of an unproven science.

The most startling and disgraceful act is the parading on the global stage of a sixteen-year-old girl who has health issues. To use a child in this way shows either you are not sincerely for the cause or you simply see it as a way to increase your personal wealth. No child should be used as a puppet in this way. It is demeaning to her and the message she is instructed to espouse. To allow it is to throw into question the validity of those involved and the very subject itself. Thanks to Greta we have millions of kids around the world brainwashed into thinking they have about twelve years to live. lT’S SICK!!

From validity we go to hypocrisy. These people combined have probably the world’s largest carbon footprint. Why? Are they such dinosaurs that they haven’t heard of tele-conferencing? The why is because they rather fancy their global soirées: you know, the talk-fests where they eat, drink and be merry and achieve little else. If these environment whiz kids want to create a useful carbon footprint they should go to China and get them on board. They should stop them opening a coal mine a week. They should go to India and give them the same message about coal mines. They should go to our friend Donald Trump and persuade him to rejoin the useless Paris Accord. But they won’t do any of that. They’ll just swan around fleecing money out of stupid governments like our own, both right and left, and anyone else they can screw to fund their hypocritical lifestyles.

Then we get to the political end of it. Money is being funnelled from a to b in very questionable ways. Large companies, not here, with sympathetic CEO’s apply for Government funding which is given, and then some of those monies are channeled back into personal political campaigns. The whole climate change scenario is based on the premise that if you repeat the same message often enough people will believe it. Schools are, of course, a great place to start the brainwashing, even primary schools.

As I have said here before, National should not have signed the Zero Carbon Emissions Bill. They should have simply said that they didn’t agree with it and then outlined their own policies. When they regain power they should take us out of the stupid Paris Accord, to which we are paying huge amounts and will see nothing in return, at the first opportunity.

Climate Change, to the extent it is being used to terrify young people and cause undue alarm among others, is a sham. The parts of the planet currently receiving high temperatures are still getting them around the same degree mark. New York and certain other places are supposed to be underwater but it hasn’t happened. In some places, land area on islands which were supposedly decreasing are in fact increasing and the same is happening with ice.

It is not all doom and gloom. The world is not going to end anytime soon. I might remind Millennials and Gen Z: maybe not so much us ‘OK Boomers’ but previous generations have had a lot more to contend with than ever present climate change. A bit of sage advice. Keep calm and carry on. That’s how you get through life.

A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.