On reading that the Government was going to give “people in care” for less than three years the vote, my 39-year-old daughter said, quite correctly, that this Government is a joke. It is, in fact, more than that. It is a collection of disparate people who were enabled to be brought together because of the quirky way we operate the German system of MMP in this country. If we operated it as they do, then National, as the party with the most votes, would have had the first crack at forming a Government. Why we operate the way we do where the minion minor party gets all the say needs looking at.

As I mentioned in my last post, this Coalition, at least Labour and the Greens, appear to be a bunch of crim huggers. When you are convicted of committing a crime you lose certain rights. The most basic of these is exercising your democratic right to vote. This is what men went to war to fight for – freedom and democracy. They were risking their lives and many gave their lives for this precious right. That’s a long way from the “men in care” rubbish we are currently being fed.

This is what Andrew Little should be reflecting on when he makes his audacious bid to garner votes from those who don’t deserve the privilege. This illustrates just how low politicians of the Left will stoop to get back into power. What Little is saying, in reality, is our chances of getting re-elected are such that I am now going to give a section of “those in care” the right to help us achieve that aim. Not that that’s how he’ll spin it. We’ll get the crim hugging garbage. What a disgrace. It is nothing more than a shabby attempt to help the Labour Party to regain the treasury benches. The Greens will no doubt be in agreement as this fits right in with their warped thinking on these matters. It is up to Winston to show his mettle on this one and ensure it will not become law.

I applaud Simon Bridges for immediately coming out and stating that when in Government this scurrilous piece of legislation will be repealed. It’s at a time like this that a stark difference between the right and the left of politics really shows itself. We sorely need this to happen more often.

Might I add that people in care, mainly the elderly who have made a useful contribution to this country, now find criminals have been similarly labelled. Again, disgraceful.

A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.