Good morning.

Just a thought for the day: be grateful.

Because while you were sleeping, your ‘paltry’ $14,500,000 tax dollars were hard at work inside the deep recesses and cavities of Radio New Zealand to bring you this gem: an ‘explainer’ titled “What’s propaganda decolonisation?”

Maybe they have a point – in response to the rhetorical question “But can you reverse colonisation?” – perhaps the entire RNZ staff could lead by oh-so-very-virtuous example and decolonise: just pack their bags, all of them, and bugger completely off?

The $14.5M saved would pay for truckloads of cochlear implants so a whole lot more Kiwi’s could hear the beautiful sound of Radio NZ silence.

Living in Wellington idbkiwi is self-employed in a non-governmental role which suits his masochistic tendencies. He watches very little television, preferring to read or research, but still subscribes...