How delicious! Mike is going to sue the gummint for climate change. They either agree with him and pay out or they argue that he is wrong on all counts – which he is – and have to admit that the whole thing is a charade.

The Treaty of Waitangi promised that the Government had a duty to actively protect Maori interests. One Iwi leader says that the impending catastrophe of climate change means they have failed to meet that standard.

Mike Smith, chair of the Climate Change Iwi Leaders Group announced on Tuesday that he was suing the Government because “the Crown is failing to protect all New Zealanders, but especially Maori, from catastrophic effects of climate change”.

“Maori are particularly vulnerable to climate change, being disproportionately represented amongst the poor, who will be the hardest hit,” he said.

Mike is right. The poor will be the hardest hit. Not by the climate crisis but by taxes and EV subsidies and higher electricity prices and ETS charges at the petrol pump and so on.

The Crown lawyers will have a hard job following the government logic of solving the climate crisis via ever-increasing taxes to offset something that is not happening while simultaneously arguing that these taxes are not going to impact the poor.

He said that traditional resources, including fisheries, would be affected by ocean acidification, and that flooding would damage coastal communities.

There is no ocean acidification that is going to affect fisheries, but if the Crown lawyers argue that, they will have to get some truthful scientists to prove that the alarmist ocean acidification statements are nonsense.

There is no flooding of coastal communities due to the climate crisis. Sea levels are rising 1-2 mm/year, as they have done for the last 100+ years of recorded measurement. But if the Crown lawyers get experts to argue that fact in court they will be undermining the climate emergency nonsense.

[…] He wants the courts to declare that the Crown will be in breach of duties owed to Maori unless it reduces total greenhouse gases by half by 2030, and to zero by 2050.

What a shame that Marsden, and the others who drafted the Treaty on behalf of the English and Maori in 1840, did not think to include in either version of the Treaty document an absolute limit on CO2 levels and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

He filed proceedings in his personal capacity, citing the interests of all Maori.

The filing argues a breach of duty under the Treaty of Waitangi and the Bill of Rights Act.


All power to you, Mike, I have my popcorn ready.

WH is a disinformation analyst and misinformation researcher who prefers real information. Lifetime job security is assured given the volumes of climate 'crisis' misinformation available anywhere one...