Politicians, boosted by their enhanced narcissism, hubris, and sociopathy never seem to realise when their mouths are writing cheques that no one could possibly bank. Chloe Swarbrick is just another of this ilk making lofty and unattainable promises.

But don’t you worry, we will be keeping the receipts, because it is going to be fun watching it all go pear-shaped.

She promised to grow the Green Party and revealed her ultimate goal: ā€œthe nationā€™s first Green-led government.ā€

ā€œI am a proud member of the Green Party. More than any other party we understand that there is far greater leadership out there in the community than there is in the so-called halls of power. I am here to serve my communities. Over the past three days, they have asked me to stand up and put myself forward for this role,ā€ Swarbrick said.

Swarbrick noted her wins in Auckland Central and other electorate wins in the latest election as examples of the partyā€™s achievements, and that ā€œbad things happen when good people stand idly by.ā€

She promised to continue to grow the Green vote and work across the aisle in Parliament.

ā€œI have proven that we can not only mobilise but win concrete change.ā€

ā€œWe will grow,ā€ she said.

Swarbrick said the focus was not just on the 2026 general election, but on next yearā€™s local body elections. She promised to help get more Green-aligned people into local government positions next year.

She repeatedly called for a radical change in how people think about politics.

ā€œMark my word when I say we are going to build the biggest Green movement you have ever seen.ā€

NZ Herald

Swarbrick, like the other Green lunatics, thinks that they won the last election and that they won their highest-ever number of MPs because of their good policy and robust arguments.

They haven’t stopped for even a moment of reflection to wonder that maybe, just perhaps, their increased vote was because of a poorly performing Labour Party.

At the next election Labour should do better and, without the calming influence of James Shaw, the Greens are going to be increasingly divisive and crazy, embracing support of a terrorist organisation and promoting economic policies that only certifiable idiots would promote.

No minor party, under MMP, has ever got more than 13.35% in an election. And the party that did that was NZ First, not the Green Party. Not only is history against the Greens but so is reality.

Then again the Greens have always shown that they are reality-phobes. They push woke agendas that there are more than two sexes, that Hamas are freedom fighters, not terrorists, and of course the ongoing climate scam.

When James Shaw leaves, the last sensible Green leaves and all that remains are screaming harpies and harridans, poofs and weirdos…not exactly the required broad-church to become a major party.

Still, she’s made these bold promises, and now we can keep score.

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