When the anti-Semitic poison pillocks in the Greens wring their bony, soy-emaciated hands and witter about “Palestine” being a supposed “open-air prison camp”, and why don’t those nasty ol’ Joos let the left’s favourite butchers go, there’s a great, big camel in the empty, flapping tents of their heads. Israel is surrounded by Muslim countries. All of whom profess to support their Pally pals.

So, why isn’t the rest of the Middle East throwing open their gates to the butchers of Gaza?

In fact, why is Muslim Egypt blockading Gaza every bit as assiduously as Israel? Funny how the weeping Golrizes and pearl-clutching Ricardos never mention that one.

It seems Israel has a modest proposal to challenge them with.

The Israeli intelligence ministry has drafted a proposal suggesting the transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. This has led to heightened tensions with Egypt and strong condemnation from the Palestinians. While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office has downplayed the report, describing it as a “concept paper” and a hypothetical exercise, the proposal has reignited concerns in Egypt about Israel’s intentions towards Gaza and evoked painful memories for Palestinians of their displacement during Israel’s creation in 1948.

A “displacement” that was, it must be said largely of their own making. Despite Arabs in British Palestine repeatedly massacring Jews, Israel began by offering a two-state solution. This was violently rejected by the Arabs — who had, it might also be pointed out, palled up with Adolf Hitler during the War.

But the October 7 pogrom has destroyed beyond any doubt the fanciful delusion that Palestinians are prepared to live alongside Israel. It wasn’t just the butchering bastards of Hamas who were responsible for the carnage — thousands of Palestinians who were daily allowed to cross into Israel as workers spent months gathering detailed intelligence on where and how best to murder Jews in southern Israel.

Israel isn’t about to forget that in a hurry.

In its report, dated October 13, the intelligence ministry offered three alternatives “to effect a significant change in the civilian reality in the Gaza Strip in light of the Hamas crimes that led to the Sword of Iron war.” The most favored option suggests relocating Gaza’s civilian population to tent cities in northern Sinai, followed by the construction of permanent cities and a humanitarian corridor. A security zone would also be established inside Israel to prevent the displaced Palestinians from returning. The paper does not specify the fate of Gaza after its population is relocated.

One thing’s for sure — Egypt is no keener on putting up with its fellow Muslims from Palestine than any other even semi-civilised country.

“We are against transfer to any place, in any form, and we consider it a red line that we will not allow to be crossed,” Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said of the report.

Translation: hell, no — they don’t want us, either.

Egypt has historically been wary of Israel’s intentions, fearing a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into its territory. Egypt’s President, Abdel Fattah El-Sissi, has expressed concerns that such a move would undermine the Palestinian nationalist cause and could introduce militants into Sinai, posing security threats to both Egypt and Israel.

Israel is also putting the rest of the “pro-Palestinian” brigade on the spot: put their money where their mouths are.

The document also hints at the possibility of other countries, including Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and even Canada, supporting the plan either financially or by accepting the displaced Gazans as refugees, the report said.

The Times of India

Cue mass shuffling of feet and embarrassed coughing.

Looks like it’s easy to be “pro-Palestinian”, just so long as it doesn’t involve actually putting up with Palestinians in your own backyard.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...