When in opposition Labour continually attacked National for the number of spin doctors employed by the government. But since Labour took office in 2017 the number of spin doctors has risen by more than 50%.

The number of communications staff working in the core public service has tipped over the 500 mark, an increase of more than 50 percent since Labour took office.

The data, collated by National, and verified by RNZ, showed there were 532.4 fulltime equivalent staff and contractors working in 32 different departments within the core public service (the data does not include Crown entities such as Te Whatu Ora or Waka Kotahi, or departments in the executive branch like the Defence Force or police).

The figures come from responses submitted by the different departments to select committee questions over their 2021-22 Annual Reviews. While the reviews covered the year ended 30 June, the responses were given in February and March of this year.

The 7.5 percent increase between 2020-21 and 2021-22 happened despite new guidance from the Public Service Commission over how to record communications staff.

National’s public service spokesperson Simeon Brown accused the government of trying to reduce the numbers through changing the definition, but still overseeing a “bloated bureaucracy.”

“The numbers have gone up, because this government has not got control of its public service. In terms of the number of staff, it just continues to blow out of control.”


Spin, baby, spin. This is proof of Labour’s inability to govern without helping to massage (lie about) the messaging.

I’m starting to think that a good old-fashioned Roman decimation of spin doctors might be appropriate; then decimate them again, and again and again.

Same goes for other state sector jobs. The first tranche should be all those staff who haven’t set foot in the office for five consecutive days or are still working from home because… Covid!

That’d destroy most government departments in Wellington.

The government now has more spin doctors than the Army has Lance Corporals or nearly as many as the Army has Corporals and more spin doctors than the Army has officers below the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

The only things this government does well are make announcements about announcements and spend money like a drunken sailor.

The sad thing is, a National-led government is unlikely to cut the number of communications staff at all.

All that will happen is a shuffling around of where they are sitting.

Never before has “drain the swamp” been more relevant than it is now.

Where’s Malcolm Tucker when you need him? (Warning: Strong Language)

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