Despite massive public opposition to Three Waters, Labour rammed the legislation through Parliament yesterday, even losing the Green Party and Maori Party support for the legislation.

The Government has passed its major Three Waters reform bill into law, with Labour the only party supporting the controversial legislation.

Labour voted the Water Services Entities Bill through its third reading in the House on Thursday morning, laying the groundwork for four public water entities to be created by July 2024. It comes after a torrid week in which the party reversed an “entrenchment” clause it entered into the bill two weeks ago.

The bill was opposed by National and ACT, both of which have promised to repeal the reforms. It was also opposed for the first time by the Green Party, as the public ownership of water assets would not be entrenched in law as the party hoped, and by the Maori Party as it fell short of proper “co-governance”.


It is now law, and your water assets have now been effectively confiscated and control handed over to the unelected iwi elite. If you had to mark the day when it was that Labour lost the next election, it was Thursday 8 December 2022. They’ve destroyed community ownership and democracy in one fell swoop.

This will be Labour’s true “mistake” when people vote at the next election.

As the media and most politicians dance around the central issue, we all know unmistakably that the control of everyone’s water has been handed over to an unelected and unaccountable co-governed minority.

That minority claims its dishonest mandate by virtue of who their ancestors were, but excludes any non-Maori ancestry at the same time, while also being unaccountable to their own people via a heroic and wrong-headed interpretation of what the Treaty of Waitangi actually says.

Labour’s blatant lies around ‘ownership’ are now irrelevant – let me be as clear as the water Mahuta is stealing, New Zealanders now have no control of their own water assets.

This was and will remain a clear, naked, shabby and blatant power grab to transfer control of public resources to a select group of Maori, as foreshadowed by the infamous He Puapua Report.

This is why I am working to force a referendum on the Government with the Just Say No! campaign. We are trying to get enough signatures to force a referendum. No other organisation is doing this. Sure they are all blagging money, but none are actually doing the hard yards in collecting signatures. Petitions, signs and social media memes won’t make this Government listen. Only votes will make them listen. They need to know that their stance will cost them dearly.

Please consider donating so that we can advertise widely, hire staff to collect signatures and start to take the fight to the politicians who refuse to listen to the voters.

The only way to do that is to force a referendum on them.

The ACT Party talks about a referendum, but only after they get elected to power. National say they’ll “repeal and replace” Three Waters, but won’t say with what. The Taxpayers Union bludges money, puts signs up, and takes expensive and failed legal proceedings to achieve very little. None of them actually want to do the hard work and actually collect signatures as required by law, to force a referendum. That’s why I’m helping Just Say No!

Will you help them too?

Politicians only act when they fear the voters. Memes and signs won’t do that. A referendum means there will be a campaign they have to defend, and then their lies about Three Waters will be exposed.

We can make them listen. Just Say No to co-governance.

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