The Government narrative and Orange settings that rely on vaccines and masks to keep the Chinese Lung Rot under control have demonstrably failed. Whatever we’re doing is clearly not working. Highly vaccinated, masked up the wazoo. Perhaps a lack of exposure to Covid pre-vax is coming back to haunt New Zealand and Australia. But whatever, let’s double down and give masks and vaccines one more try.

So, what do the functional idiots in Government do in the face of such obvious failure?

Well, they double down and do more of the same. Maybe this time we will get it right.

The Government will provide free masks and RATs to anyone who wants them, but Covid-19 Response Minister Ayesha Verrall acknowledges the next challenge is getting people to use them.

Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said modelling of the BA.5 outbreak showed cases would peak towards the end of the month. He said hospitalisations could reach 1200 people, a week after cases peak.

In response, the Government will make it easier for higher risk patients to access drugs such as Paxlovid, molnupiravir and remdesivir. Anyone aged over 75 years old would be eligible for these antiviral medications, which Verrall said could halve the chance of someone needing to be hospitalised.


Right, so more of the same, plus some more experimental drugs that cause more problems than they solve, yeah, we will get a different outcome this time around, or so the politicians would have us believe.

Just to recap, the most effective solutions according to Ayesha Verrall are to get vaccinated, wear a mask, stay home when sick, use antivirals (that will be only available to 10% of the population and have side effects) and test, test, test.

Have these fools learned nothing watching the rest of the world doing the same more than six months ago?

Since our corrupted media won’t do it, let’s inject (lol) some reality into the debate. Masks don’t work, they never have and they never will.

Even Anthony Fauci knows that the vaccines have failed too.

And speaking of Anthony Fauci, he’s just had a relapse of Covid after taking Paxlovid, the exact same experimental medicine our Government is advising people to take. Let’s look at some more pesky facts regarding Paxlovid:

Oh, so Paxlovid means you can get Covid again? Not really surprising considering the same crooks who provided our vaccines are the exact same crooks pushing Paxlovid. Yep, that’s right it’s Pfizer.

I’ve said for a long time that the vaccines cause Covid, and Boosters that give “Jabees” whatever it is they test positive for. Now they have another arrow in their bow – Paxlovid.

What the statistics are now so clearly showing is exactly what I have been saying for months and months, that if you get boosted you will get Covid, and it will be much, much harsher than for those of us who rejected the mass formation and refused to subject ourselves to untested, experimental jabs.

If the vaccines and masks worked, then why is Covid exploding worldwide, and why are excess non-Covid deaths growing hugely?

Apparently, the ‘experts’ have absolutely no idea why!

But the ONLY thing that has changed, at least in the Western world, is the mass formation of populations that then led to mass vaccinations with a technology that was unproven, poorly tested and deceptively promoted.

The all too real consequences of that rush to jab are now being paid; not by the politicians and corporations that pushed all those needles into people’s arms, but by the people themselves.

They asked us to trust the science, but all around us I see the growing evidence that ‘the science’ has failed us. It is now quite rational to not trust the scientists, and most definitely one should not trust politicians.

They have lied, lied and lied again. Every lie they told incurred a debt to the truth, and now it is coming time for that debt to be repaid.

Sadly many thousands of people are still going to die because they keep on jabbing and are now taking experimental medicines that in a great many cases finish off the exhausted organs like the liver and kidneys instead of saving the person taking the medication.

This Government has just spent moonbeams flying the Prime Minister around the world telling everyone we are now open, yet we remain locked into orange settings for the foreseeable future, trying forlornly to keep at bay a virus that has proved far more intelligent than the politicians.

This thing won’t go away while we try to do exactly the same thing the rest of the world tried, but stupidly expecting differing results.

This pandemic ends the day after Jacinda Ardern loses the next election, or she quits for a better job telling other people what to do and think. Let’s hope it’s the latter and not the former, and soon.

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As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...