We’ve all seen what happens to prominent black conservatives: for daring to step off the left’s plantation, they’re vilified as “traitors”, “Uncle Toms” and worse. They’re bombarded with threats and racial abuse from the very people who piously tout their “anti-racist” credentials. It’s the same story whether it’s Larry Elder or Candace Owens in the US, or Jacinta Nampijinpa Price or Nyunggai Warren Mundine in Australia.

But what about gay people who dare to reject the trans agenda or the open grooming of children? Or who just want no part of the exploitation and open degeneracy of “Pride”?

Exactly what you’d expect.

“The Deprogrammer” is a humble Substack blog and Twitter channel run by a gay, Mexican cinephile. And on 1 June this year, he dared say publicly what a lot of gay people have told me privately: “Pride” is loathesome and destructive.

This new culture that embraced and encouraged inversion was not about activism and had nothing to do with being gay, but everything to do with bullying and entitlement. They had taken the ‘victim’ label and within the system that enabled it, turned narcissism and mental illness into their idea of good health and normalcy.

That’ll do it. The BFD.

In particular, he is horrified by the sudden “drag kids” push.

I don’t know that Drag Kids actually evolved out of the club kid scene or if the depraved system merely used well known relics of the scene, like convicted murderer Michael Alig and RuPaul, to help usher these children into a world that had previously been a domain defined by rampant drug use, promiscuous sex and immorality […]

I tend to think that there is an agenda, one that I disavow and one that has no business being categorized in any way as part of gay culture.

The Deprogrammer

Just as the exposure of the groomer phenomenon has galvanised parents, the deliberate grooming of young children into a hyper-sexualised culture is disgusting a great many gay people – most of whom are too terrified to speak out, because they know what will happen to them.

“Never in modern history have children needed strangers, teachers and drag queens to educate them about imaginary genders and the use of their genitals and what they can do with them. This is the behavior of predators and is absolutely a modern day version of conversion therapy.”

Most unsettling has been the increased attention given to children under the guise of teaching them about inclusivity and acceptance when we already live in a society where being gay is routinely ignored and beyond forcing on people to understand. Children gain knowledge naturally and in their own time with the help of their parents. Never in modern history have children needed strangers, teachers and drag queens to educate them about imaginary genders and the use of their genitals and what they can do with them. This is the behavior of predators and is absolutely a modern day version of conversion therapy. How could I not disavow this?

How, indeed? Yet, the backlash was instant and vicious.

It’s these people who scream the loudest and demand to be heard that are the first ones to insist that the opinions of others need to be silenced.

When they hear ‘one of their own’ dismantle their Barbie Dream House, there is little to no attempt at trying to understand my position. I don’t think they are capable of that. Instead, they opt straight for insults and ad hominem attacks. Despite being a gay minority (I am Mexican) who’s worked hard to get what little I have, I have been called straight, white, racist, a bigot, rich, ugly, a bootlicker and other unpleasantries.

My condemnation of a belief system that they live by is a tremor of existential crisis within them – a glitch in their reality that they can only push away by denial and name calling. I’m reaching the conclusion that not only are these triggered units of flesh threatened by truth, they often don’t even understand the meaning of the words they use.

The Deprogrammer

We need only watch the gender studies professor bleating that the word “truth” is “transphobic”, or a paediatrician specialising in “transitioning” children with castration drugs gibbering about the “assigned gender” of a chicken, to realise that these are indeed people who have no idea what they’re actually talking about. Instead, like cultists from Scientologists to Amway salespeople, they’ve simply rote-learned a list of stock phrases. Like programmed robots, you can see the wheels whirring in their heads: “If Question A go to Response B.”

Ask the simplest questions, like “What is a woman?” and you can see their brains freeze. You almost expect smoke to pour out of their ears and to see them start twitching and repeating, “Does not compute! Does not compute!”

Instead, like badly programmed robots in an SF story, they simply switch to “DESTROY ALL HUMANS!” mode.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...