As recently reported on the BFD, sending squads of keyboard heroes and internet warriors to an actual battlefront has worked out about exactly as you’d expect. To their complete shock, the memelords trying to earn internet points by “volunteering for Ukraine” are finding that in a real war, people die. They can’t even log out: battlefield commanders tend to call that “desertion”. And when you send selfies of your camp, the enemy uses that info to target you. The horror! The horror!

Should anyone have expected any different? Almost none of these people had any military training. Even fewer had ever handled a firearm before, much less experienced so much as a fistfight in their adult lives. As battlefront commanders quickly found out, they’re a damned nuisance — which is probably why they’re cynically being used as cannon fodder.

Who on earth would encourage untrained, inexperienced man-babies to rush off to a battlefield, to illegally fight in a war they know nothing about, in a place they’d struggle to find on a map?

For a start, the legacy media’s supposed hero-of-the-hour.

Many are pointing the fingers at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for not only arming his own citizens, even boys as young as 12-years-old, but asking citizens of other countries to join a war that has absolutely nothing to do with them.

“This should be condemned by every nation on Earth. Zelenskyy should be fully aware that non-citizens who are armed and fighting in a foreign conflict are considered mercenaries and therefore do not receive the protections of the Geneva Convention,” one critic stated.

As even the Russians are pointing out, these “volunteers” are not regulars, reservists, or even nationals of the belligerents.

Mercenaries are not entitled to the status of combatant, prisoner of war (API Article 47), or any of the categories of protected persons provided for by the Geneva Conventions.

The Kremlin warned that any mercenaries fighting Russians in Ukraine would be treated as terrorists and killed without mercy.


The legacy media and the Biden White House have more than their share of blood on their hands, too.

Following President Zelensky’s call for foreign fighters to join the cause, the legacy media in the west breathlessly amplified the moral crusade of Brits and Americans making perilous journeys in the name of ‘supporting Ukraine’.

The Biden White House also held a meeting with TikTok influencers, telling them to bolster NATO propaganda narratives and encourage their young audience to do their bit to ‘support Ukraine’.

Members of the predominantly leftist Reddit community also egged each other on to volunteer to fight in Ukraine despite their military experience extending to obsessively playing Call of Duty.

Summit News

At which point it must be asked whether and who should be accountable for encouraging crime. Including virtue-signalling politicians who clearly don’t understand their own country’s laws.

While Britain’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss initially supported Britons volunteering in Ukraine, the country’s Ministry of Defence later clarified that this was unlawful.


Both British and American law is very clear. The US Neutrality Act prohibits citizens from making war against foreign governments at peace with Washington and carries a prison sentence of up to three years. The UK’s Foreign Enlistment Act blocks citizens from joining foreign militaries fighting countries at peace with Britain. Australian PM Scott Morrison has also warned his citizens against joining the conflict.

Ridiculously, some have tried to compare these LARPers to the soldiers of WWI and WWII. This is not only grossly inaccurate but frankly insulting.

If there’s any real comparison to be made, it’s to the foreign fighters who flocked to the black banner of ISIS.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...