Communist China is the Nazi Germany of the 21st century. Every time I write that sentence, even I can’t help thinking it’s a paranoid hyperbole. Still, facts are facts: rabidly nationalist, racist, socialist, dictatorship, concentration camps, genocide… tick… tick… tick.

As it turns out, it’s not just me who thinks so. Back before the military was packed off en masse to Joe Biden’s Critical Race Theory re-education camps, the Pentagon drew up a report detailing exactly how racist China really is. The report was commissioned by Andrew Marshall, a then-nonogenarian strategist so legendary that even Chinese generals considered him their wisest foe and christened him “Yoda”.

Marshall was almost unknown outside foreign-policy-wonk circles, but in nearly 70 years of work for the Rand Corporation then the Pentagon, he proved repeatedly, remarkably perspicacious. In the 70s, he debunked the prevailing wisdom that the Soviet Union was an economic powerhouse that would surge past the US in the 80s. The correct strategy, Marshall said, was to bankrupt the commies by luring them into an expensive arms race. In the mid-90s, he argued that Middle Eastern terrorism was a passing distraction and that the really big threat in the next century would be China.

Bing! as they say.

So, when a report commissioned by Marshall concludes that China is a racist state, much closer to Nazi Germany than to the values upheld in the West, well, I guess I feel somewhat vindicated.

As the report says, the fundamental fact of Chinese history is its sense of superiority and exceptionalism. Of course, many nations, from Iran to the United States, see themselves as exceptional. But in China’s case, there’s a whole other depth to its superiority complex.

China sees itself as the center of the universe, all others are inferior, with varying degrees of inferiority. That is not an attractive model of winning allies and influence […]

Other peoples and groups are seen to be inferior, with a sliding scale of inferiority. The major Chinese distinction is between degrees of barbarians, the “black devils,” the savage inferiors beyond hope of interaction and the “white devils” or tame barbarians with whom the Chinese can interact…. Lamentably, modern Chinese views on race are no better than they were in the past.

Anyone who doubts this needs only see the reception meted out to black athletes arriving at the Olympics last week. This is, remember, in supposedly cosmopolitan Beijing, not some hick backwater rural province.

China certainly isn’t buying any “diversity is our strength” hooey.

To the Chinese:

The United States used to be a strong society that the Chinese respected when it was unicultural, defined by the centrality of AngloProtestant culture at the core of American national identity aligned with the political ideology of liberalism, the rule of law, and free market capitalism. The Chinese see multiculturalism as a sickness that has overtaken the United States, and a component of U.S. decline.

But if the West’s fetishisation of capital-M Multiculturalism and “diversity” is its Achilles Heel, China’s equal and opposite xenophobia is theirs. China is demographically declining at an astonishing rate, becoming very old and very male at a rate of knots. The post-One Child Policy drop-off is about to hit it with a tsunami that will dwarf the West’s post-Baby Boom decline.

Because the West can import doctors, nurses and aged-care workers from developing countries. China’s aversion to black devils allows no such relief.

Chinese xenophobia should have given the West another edge — but the left has all but blown it.

Because the CCP is not at all averse to lying through their teeth to the black devils and selling themselves as their racial saviours. Any grand lie will do, in order to bring them under Beijing’s yoke. By the time they realise that the CCP has looted their countries on a scale not seen since Leopold II, it will be too late.

The Chinese will make appeals to Third World states based on “racial solidarity,” that is, the need of non-white peoples to unite against Western imperialism and racism.

The reality is very different, of course.

Chinese racism retards their relations with the Third World…. [The] racial stereotypes of the Africans commonly found within Chinese society suggest that this population is backward and dirty, and prone to crime, particularly violent crime…. [These] beliefs, coupled with clannish and ruthless Chinese business practices, generate enormous resentment in the Third World.

The West’s natural edge would be to remind African states of China’s unreconstructed racist attitudes, and that the West has taken a very different path.

“The West confronted racism and developed a strong culture of anti-racism. China has not, nor is it likely to do so.”


The only problem is that the ruling left-elite have spent the last decade or more saying precisely the opposite, in ever-more strident terms. The overwhelming message broadcast by academia, the media and the Democrats in power are that America is a “systemic racist” state. So, at the same time that they’re consciously dismantling American institutions and all but dragging the country into civil war, they’re handing an astoundingly stupid forced error to the Chinese.

At the same time, the elite are so obsessed with the notion of only-whites-are-racist that they refuse to even see the stark fact of China’s brutal — indeed, in its Xinjiang province, genocidal — racism.

By the time the Western elite wake up to their monumental idiocy, it may be even later than it was in 1939.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...