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Thanks for the interesting article. I see Jacinda as a Uni student that has never matured or grown-up. She seems incredibly naive about the real world. She seems to have come from a life of privilege, therefore has no idea how to do anything and is very out of touch.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Her religious upbringing is very evident in her preachy daily sermons each day. She’s definitely playing on her popularity and it shows. We don’t need a goofy, geeky old woke clueless teenager as a PM.

I have never viewed her as a real PM, she looks like the PM’s assistant. She needs to realise nothing lasts forever and an uprising had begun. She is playing down all these protests, but they will be worrying the little narcissist whether she admits it or not.

She needs to get her moko done to remind her of how much of a traitor to NZ she is. Her legacy will be a shameful one of non-achievement in anything. Totally useless.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke.

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