There’s nothing the “progressive” left hates more than when one of their pet “victims” goes off the plantation. Even more so when they do it en masse.

You need only observe the vitriol — often explicitly racist — directed at prominent black conservatives, from Thomas Sowell to Candace Owens. Or the growing leftist animosity toward Jews and Asians.

But now even their beloved Latinos are turning their brown backs on the left. As always, it’s because they’re frankly insulted by the condescending attitude of the White Saviours of Progressivism.

The straw that broke the wetback is “Latinx”.

Latinos have rejected the term, at the same time that a big swing toward the GOP among these voters highlights the perils of high-handed culture politics for the Democrats.

Latinx may end up being a woke experiment that failed, showing the vast gap between the identity-politics-obsessed progressives talking to one another in seminar rooms and on social media and the Hispanics in whose name they presume to speak.

And speak, moreover, in an increasingly Byzantine, enforced language of made-up pronouns and genders.

The big problem for the “progressives” is that pretending that gender is whatever you want to pretend it is doesn’t work so well in most languages other than English.

The alleged problem that Latinx was invented to fix is that Spanish has gendered nouns. This means that using the male Latino as an adjective to describe men and women of Latin-American ancestry, let alone the transgendered and non-binary, is supposedly exclusionary, hateful and downright dangerous. As a terminology handbook by a Princeton scholar explains, “to default to the masculine gender promotes interpersonal violence against women and non-binary individuals.”

So the wokesters who think that language is “violence” inflicted grievous bodily harm on the Spanish language. Their first effort was “Latin@”, which proved about as unpronouncable as experimental Melbourne 80s band, !!!. Not to mention the havoc the “@” played with social media tags.

Enter Latinx, which is only slightly less ridiculous.

How is it even pronounced? “Latinks”? “Lateenks”? “Latin Ex”? It sounds like either a brand of cheap’n’nasty body spray or someone you dumped back in high school.

As Giancarlo Sopo of The Daily Wire, who has been on a one-man crusade against the rise of the term, points out, Latinx is incomprehensible to any Spanish speaker without some knowledge of English. Most Spanish-speakers don’t think there is something desperately flawed about their language or that Spanish grammar is a proto-hate crime. The Real Academia Española, charged with maintaining the language’s integrity, has ruled against the -x appendage.

The French have similarly rejected “iel”, deriding it as Le Wokisme.

Out in the real world, Latinx polls even more poorly than Joe Biden does. A Politico poll found that only 2 percent of Hispanics prefer the term Latinx, while 68 percent opt for Hispanic and 21 percent favor Latino or Latina. Forty percent said that they find Latinx offensive and 30 percent that they are less likely to support a politician or group using the term.

New York Post

Here’s hoping.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...