Pack up your stuff everyone, we’re leaving! The crème de la crème of nursing, firefighting, teaching, policing, chefs and hospitality staff are departing for new starts across the ditch, while the also-rans leap onto the couch to join the nephs sitting comfortably. And who can blame any of them? This government rewards indolence while bashing the life out of high achievers and small business owners. We are in such a sorry state of affairs that even our old stalwart Bob Jones is jumping ship for a more prosperous future elsewhere.

It’s no good whining that your favourite café or restaurant didn’t reopen after lockdown when there are more pressing issues like your house burning down because the local fire service is too short of manpower, or the surgery to remove your potentially deadly brain aneurism keeps getting postponed because hospitals don’t have enough staff for the 12-hour surgery required. Priorities, people!

The crumbling New Zealand of today is a direct result of this knee jerk Labour Government blundering its way through crisis after crisis, making glib promises they can’t keep with no interest at all in the fallout from their hasty, ill-considered laws.

The only thing the Government has learned after nearly two years of lockdowns and the creation of different classes of people (Maori/non-Maori, vaxxed/unvaxxed) is the knowledge that if they say something often enough, even when it’s patently untrue, people will believe them.

Despite suicide bodies piling up and missed health checks and treatments leading to early death, apparently, NZ Smokefree by 2025 is their most important goal.

They successfully bludgeoned us into vaccination and will use the same repressive technique to achieve Smokefree. Don’t worry little dears, mummy knows best.

“Nearly 85% 66 of New Zealanders are smokefree – that means most of us are choosing not to smoke. The New Zealand Government has set a goal so that by 2025 fewer than 5% of New Zealanders will be smokers. This will be achieved by:

– protecting children from exposure to tobacco marketing and promotion

– reducing the supply of, and demand for tobacco

– providing the best possible support for quitting.”

Smokefree NZ

The government is very confident about the effectiveness of its propaganda and bans, but wouldn’t you assume that “the best possible support” already exists for people keen to quit?

Doubtless, the Smokefree target will feed Ardern’s drive to lead the world. It really doesn’t matter what she is leading us into just as long as she leads. In 2017 the goal was ending child poverty which proved unattainable and is now relegated to the back burner.

This government is rewriting history and applying the elusive ‘equality of outcome’ to everything they touch. Not to put too fine a point on it, they’ve gone stark raving mad.

Even silly old Barack Obama had the smarts to say, “Instead of focusing on equality of outcomes, we should be focusing on equality of opportunity,” while our lot still stumble around embedding the unobtainable ‘equality of outcome’ into law and practice.

We are fractured and splintering all over the show. The government has run out of sticky tape and has forgotten to oil the moving parts. Crime is rising, suicides increasing, hospital waiting lists growing longer, education achievement dropping, the cost of living increasing, houses becoming more expensive and businesses, particularly hospitality, hitting the wall thick and fast.

Our MSM television newsreaders blame Covid when reporting on the latest Ardern government account of missing the mark, but they are wrong.

Vaccinate. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

The truth about New Zealand is not found in the mainstream NZ media but in overseas media who either laugh at us or who point to the death of democracy and the rise of autocracy.

“New Zealanders are increasingly showing they have had enough of a Prime Minister who promised to govern for all New Zealanders but is acting like a dictator, passing authoritarian laws and turning our democracy into what is becoming perilously close to a totalitarian state. It is no surprise that Jacinda Ardern’s poll rating is plummeting.

The Three Waters Reform Programme is producing a near national revolt, the straw breaking the camel’s back. Her government’s plan to compulsorily impose a three-water infrastructure – freshwater, wastewater and storm-water services – breaks the promise made to councils that joining the scheme would be voluntary. Not to put too fine a point on it, Labour lied.

Gone already is the 2020 election promise that ‘Labour will ensure the majority decisions about local democracy involve full participation of the local population from the outset’.”

Spectator Australia
Blowing up democracy. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

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I am happily a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define. Four generations ago my forebears left overcrowded, poverty ridden England, Ireland and Germany for better prospects here. They were...