Dear Editor

Are we really supposed to believe that Grant Robertson was not previously aware and had to be told, upon condescendingly visiting the exiled Auckland kingdom, that hair salons could not open but beauty therapists could; that these locked down hairdressers were suffering, being forced out of business or teetering on the brink of disaster? Of course he knew and neither he nor Ardern cares one jot about anything other than to maximise the manipulation of the narrative to their own tactical advantage.

Does Grant Robertson really think that we, the people, do not realise that deigning to ‘magnanimously’ and ‘graciously’ ‘listen’ to the concerns of Auckland hairdressers is a complete farce? Can anyone believe that any word emanating from those glib lips of his bears any resemblance to genuine concern for the welfare of others or, indeed, to the truth?

He fails to recognise that the people of New Zealand are intelligent, thinking beings, who see through these tactics. The eager and rapid jettisoning of honesty and genuineness in order to increase his personal power will cost the Labour party dearly in terms of votes when, at last, the time comes for the next election.

That is to say if this country can still call itself a democracy by then.


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