Arts luvvie and Ponsonby latte sipper, Hamish Keith is in reality a nasty, spiteful, awful human being, who uses Twitter to lash all and sundry with his poison tongue.

His latest target is the gay, academic, political scientist Bryce Edwards, who is one of the nicest guys in the political arena despite his soft hard-left political outlook.

And Bryce Edwards’ high crimes and misdemeanours that have caused the attack?

Daring to write an article correctly stating that Jacinda Ardern’s glory days are over.

For his troubles, Bryce Edwards now has Hamish Keith wishing harm on harm, including a thinly veiled death threat.


The first tweet shows the intolerance on the left of anyone daring to share an opinion that is different from the leftist group think. What followed though was thoroughly nasty, and would likely be captured by Labour’s proposed hate speech laws:


How charming. Hamish Keith want to throw Bryce Edwards in a big bin wearing concrete shoes, then have the bin weighed down with an engine block and chains and chucked in a lake.

Of course, he will get away with it, because that’s how the left roll. The great thing however is that we get to see who all these thoroughly unpleasant people are.

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