When the SARS-Cov-2 virus erupted in Wuhan in late 2019, its origin was a mystery. But knowing exactly where it came from, and how, was a vital piece of knowledge in knowing how to fight it.

But the Chinese government immediately set about lying and covering up. Not only was the world robbed of decisive months during which the virus might have been contained, it was, and still is, being denied crucial information needed to combat it.

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention wasn’t allowed to visit the city of Wuhan, China, or the Wuhan Institute of Virology early last year. We’ve been trying to find out why ever since[…]

On September 12, 2019, coronavirus bat sequences were deleted from the institute’s database. Why? It changed the security protocols for the lab. Why? It put out requests for more than $US600m ($813m) for a new ventilation system. What prompted this new need?

Well, um, let’s take three guesses, shall we?

Instead of telling the truth, China went into default communist cover-up mode. Beijing’s first cover story was that the virus jumped from bats to another animal in the Wuhan “wet market”. Comparisons were drawn to SARS and MERS. Which might sound plausible, except…

Neither of those viruses has ever evolved to the point where it can transmit efficiently from one human to the next. There have been fewer than 10,000 cases of each virus worldwide since SARS was discovered in 2003 and MERS in 2012. What virus comes out of a bat cave and infects humans by the millions? It’s not biologically plausible[…]

A Harvard study of satellite images revealed a shutdown of traffic around the Wuhan lab in the late northern summer and early autumn of 2019. Weeks later, in late September, the hospital parking lots were filling up.

Indeed, China at first lied that there was no human-to-human transmission of the virus. Over the months Beijing’s cover stories became ever-more ludicrous. For instance, claiming that the US manufactured the virus and snuck it into Wuhan via infected athletes.

Still, other scientists — despite being howled down by a China-compliant media — noted that it seemed suspiciously as if the virus had been deliberately engineered to infect humans. This is what is known as “gain of function” research — something championed by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Imagine several viruses being run through humanised mice (grafted with human tissue and immune cells) to test their ability to infect human tissue. Notably, SARS-CoV-2 includes a kind of cleavage site that allows its spike protein to change its orientation and dock more easily with a human cell.

This hypothesis bears investigation, especially since no new information has emerged in the past 18 months to support the natural-origin theory. Meantime, a growing body of circumstantial evidence supports the lab-leak theory, including information reported by the US State Department that employees of the Wuhan lab were becoming sick with Covid-like symptoms in the northern autumn of 2019.

A virus with a headstart in becoming acclimated to humans likely has an easier time evolving to increase transmission. Hence the variants, which seem more effective than anything nature usually delivers on its own. In the months ahead we may have another variant that is even more contagious than Delta, that makes people sicker and — in the worst-case scenario — that eludes vaccines […] All this is in keeping with a virus that more likely jumped from a bat to a lab, not to a rat or a rabbit.

“Biosecurity” at China’s “most secure” lab. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Other scientists, some of whom had much to hide in their connections to China, tried to muddy the waters.

Another apparent misdirection was several key scientists’ insistence on a narrow definition of “gain of function” research to include remodelling, overt bio-engineering, shaping or constructing a virus. As far as we’re concerned, if a virus is taught to or evolves in a lab to infect human tissue more efficiently, that’s gain of function.

While we still don’t have a smoking gun, and probably never will, thanks to the CCP’s efficient and thorough wiping of key evidence, there is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that all points one way — to the Wuhan lab.

The only real question now is: was it an accident or was it deliberate?

The story of SARS-Cov-2 started long before January last year. We believe the virus was most likely uncontained in a laboratory where it was being worked on, and that it escaped unintentionally.

The Wall Street Journal

We know for a fact that the Chinese Communist Party spent years researching the weaponisation of SARS coronaviruses, predicting that a third world war would be fought with biological weapons. Indeed, the progress of the virus and how China’s enemies have reacted is almost textbook to the scenarios promoted by Chinese military scientists.

Still, maybe China didn’t deliberately engineer and release the Wuhan virus as a bio-weapon… but how would things have turned out any different, if they had?

If it’s not biological warfare, what is it? The BFD. Cartoon by Johannes Leak.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...