Pandering to Maori’s unending demands for land settlement monies and funding for this that and the other will not keep Maori babies from being beaten and killed by violent, drunk and drugged, useless parents. Maori signage will not send children to school with shoes on their feet, a warm jumper on their backs, breakfast in their bellies and lunch in their school bags.

Let’s ignore the glaring stats about Maori involvement in gangs, being over-represented in prisons and in violence in the home, and instead concentrate on putting up feel-good bi-lingual road signs!

Te Tatau o Te Arawa representative Rawiri Waru is calling for a rule review to allow te reo Maori to have the same standing as English on road signs.

Radio NZ

Is anyone else wondering where the billions of Treaty settlement monies went? Or why Maori never talk about their inevitable European heritage? We are mute observers of elite Maori separatism at work. Do we know how many Maori take part or receive assistance from the separatist movement?

Ever since the Treaty of Waitangi (and before you say it, no, it’s not racist to use its proper English name, but given the speed with which te reo is infiltrating media, it may soon be illegal not to) I have come to despise the God awful “te tiriti o waitangi” handle.

The increase in te reo represents an unwelcome influence on all that is good about Maori, simply because Maori anarchists use it to support the separatist movement. 

Why do we allow all Maori to be painted by the evil brush of a few vain-glorious thieves?

Since the treaty was hijacked by Maori separatists, spurred on by brain dead MP’s and bureaucrats with cotton wool between their ears, the pursuit of racial segregation is now a multi-million dollar government fetish.

What about putting other languages on road signs – Chinese, Pacifica, German, Welsh, Hungarian or whatever other ancestors we’ve all sprung from? Well, other cultures won’t get a look in because Round One went to the Maori separatists who ingrained into law and practice the false concept of a “treaty partnership”. In effect, these greedy few, mostly Maori leaders and academics, created a Maori elite who do not represent all Maori and who fight against democracy and equality.

Maori elite will not treat everyone else as equals, whether people arrived in New Zealand five minutes or 500 years ago. Their elite status is unattainable to all.

Tribalism is alive and well and growing – thanks to the Waitangi Tribunal’s misinterpretation of the treaty and the government’s enthusiasm to fund it.

MP for Te Tatau o Te Arawa, Rawiri Waru, called for a review of the rules around bi-lingual road signage and the government will accommodate him.

“Transport Minister Michael Wood has committed to bilingual traffic signs across New Zealand by the end of this term of government, but says the current rules are not racist. Asked if he agreed with Waititi’s assertion that the rules were racist, Wood said he “wouldn’t describe it that way”.

“What I would say is that we’ve got rules that probably do need to change and evolve to recognise our aspirations to be a country that puts te reo at the heart of what we do.”

There’s commitment from government and commitment from our agencies, absolutely commitment from local government to be doing that.”

There is no doubt Maori road signage is racist, divisive and totally unnecessary! Perhaps bi-cultural signs in the language of the predominate group of unfortunate tourists killing themselves and locals on the roads because they can’t read English signage might prevent deaths, but what good is Maori signage when only 1% of us are proficient?

Will the creep of the te reo tentacles never end because democracy cannot prevail against it’s insidious growth?

Will the elite Maori appetite for recognition ever become replete, or will it be a case of “more, more”?

It’s a bit like urban sprawl gobbling up productive Pukekohe farmland for cheap ticky-tacky housing only to discover no one wants to live so far out because the commute doesn’t work.

“Waiariki MP Rawiri Waititi had also added to the calls for a review of the [signage] rules, saying they were “absolutely” racist.”

Say what? Waititi’s argument is that Maori must be recognised ahead of all other cultures because it is racist not to? This racist says that the government is racist if it doesn’t pander to Maori demands!

He said while it was not the “primary driver”, jobs could “potentially” be created in implementing bilingual signage, but there was also economic opportunity through its benefits to tourism.

Wood is conflicted because he hasn’t thought the Maori elitism issue through. His justification of short term job creation and tourist revenue is nonsense, even without the obvious borders staying closed for another 12-18 months!

The government is hugely conflicted by the travesty of the Waitangi Tribunal!

Until a conservative leader fronts up with the temerity to close the tribunal down we are stuck on this merry go round of pacifying our racist monster’s insatiable appetite, in the knowledge that we created it!

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I am happily a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define. Four generations ago my forebears left overcrowded, poverty ridden England, Ireland and Germany for better prospects here. They were...