The Prime Minister has told us that we will know her party by their deeds. At the last election Jacinda Ardern promised light rail to Mt Roskill before 2021.

As is becoming an unfortunate habit of Jacinda Ardern that promise was in fact just a slogan and that is where delivery on the promise ended, at the tip of her forked tongue.

Not one millimetre of track has been delivered.

But no matter, it’s now three years later, and Labour is again promising light rail to the airport.

On Tuesday, Twyford told Stuff he believed light rail would go ahead if Labour had an outright win at the election.

“We worked hard in this term of government to make it happen, but unfortunately we couldn’t get our coalition party, NZ First, across the line.

“They blocked it,” he said, adding that the cancelled project was one of the unfortunate casualties of a coalition government.[…]

On Tuesday, Twyford said a fast and frequent rail system was Auckland’s ticket to provide “genuine choices”, so residents didn’t have to “spend hours sitting in motorway gridlock”.

“Rapid transit is the most important thing we have to do to give Auckland a transport system that can cope with the growth that it’s got.

“We need it. The city needs it.”

So, after not delivering on the last election’s promises they are now promising the same again. Given their inability to deliver on even a single one of their flagship policies it is highly unlikely they’d managed to get this organised.

The project was beset by leaks from NZTA, suggesting incompetence and a lack of direction from the Beehive.

Knows us by our deeds is meaningless when they’ve actually done nothing, other than exhibit utter incompetence.

It makes their slogan Let’s Keep Moving a sick joke when it comes to light rail. That train hasn’t even left the platform.

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