Now, you might not think that I’d have much in common with a “transexual Satanist anarchist” – and policy-wise, it seems a pretty safe bet that I don’t – but, still, I have to admit a grudging admiration for someone who’s so effectively skewered the Establishment shills. From both major US parties.

Aria DiMezzo, a “transexual Satanist anarchist,” won the Republican nomination for sheriff in Cheshire County, New Hampshire.

DiMezzo, whose campaign slogan is “F––– the Police,” won in a blowout election, earning 4,211 votes. The second-place candidate garnered only 351 votes.

Wow, are Republicans in Cheshire County really so bizarrely woke? No. In fact, DiMezzo’s nomination win shows something worse: robotic voters are just ticking the party box apparently without even taking the slightest notice of who the candidate actually is.

And that’s kind of the point.

“Sweet Satan, how can you not be an anarchist?! Between 75 and 80 percent of the primary voters — the ones alleged to be more politically aware than the average voter — were completely and totally ignorant of who they were voting for,” she wrote. “What is the percentage with the average voter? 90 percent? 95 percent? These people are deciding who gets to rule you.”

[…]On her campaign website, she said that the two major political parties are ones of “murdering children,” and argued that her victory was proof of a broken political system.

Like Vermin Supreme, the gumboot-hat-wearing, pony-promising Libertarian, DiMezzo is one of those court jesters who are so sorely needed to shake up an ossified establishment. Bernie Sanders might claim to be the “renegade” candidate, but, as his history shows, every time the chips are down he sells out to the Establishment faster than you can say “Buy me a fourth house!” Which is probably why Vermin Supreme began turning up to Sanders’ rallies, shouting “OK Boomer!” through a bullhorn every time the ageing hippy hack opened his mouth.

It’s also interesting that DiMezzo describes herself as “transsexual”, rather than “transgender”.

I also disagree with at least some of DiMezzo’s policies, such as abolishing immigration law – and frankly, the “Reformed Satanic Church” are infinitely preferable to the Satanic Temple. The latter are a bunch of rainbow-progressive pussies playing at being spooky. The RSC is based on Anton LaVey’s right-wing libertarianism, heavily influenced by New Zealand nutter, Ragnar Redbeard. “Satan” in the Satanic Bible is a non-religious personification of freethinking and individualism, rather than an actual evil spiritual entity.

Which is not to say that it’s deep philosophy. In fact, it’s all a bit childish. Kind of like saying rude words just to shock your maiden aunt.

But, sometimes, the Establishment’s maiden aunts need a good raspberry or two.

“I’m running for sheriff because I oppose that very system, and the sheriff has the most hands-on ability in Cheshire County to oppose that system,” she wrote. “The system that let you down by allowing me — the freaking transsexual Satanist anarchist — be your sheriff candidate is the same system I’m attacking. I’m sorry, and I know it hurts to hear, but that system is a lie.”

“The Republicans and Democrats are the parties of hostility, aggression, taxation, military-style policing, unconstitutional mandates, states of emergencies, unending war, and murdering children around the globe.”

As her own website says:

Your anger is misplaced if you direct it at me. Please listen. Your anger is with the system that has lied to you. Your anger is with the system that convinced you to believe in it, trust in it, and have faith in it, when it is completely and utterly broken.

Frankly, there’s a lot there that I find hard to disagree with.

Just as the late, great Hunter S. Thompson shocked the good burghers of Aspen with his “Freak Power” sheriff bid in 1969, and Donald Trump sent the Republican establishment into fits with his presidential win, may the Aria DiMezzo’s of this world continue to give a good goose up the arse of the complacent Establishment goons of both parties.

These three have more in common than you might think. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...