So we are confined to barracks for a further two weeks, in towns and cities that have not had a case of the virus since May, possibly even before that. I am utterly sick of the stupidity that is ruling this country at the moment. I have begun to suspect that this is actually an election strategy; the minor parties are just about invisible (where are you, Winston?) National manages to gets its head above the parapet occasionally, but otherwise, it is wall-to-wall Labour, with Jacinda alternating from smiley face to serious, caring face within the blink of an eye.

People keep telling me they will not vote National because they are in ‘disarray’, but have not noticed that the disarray all ended when Judith Collins took over because no one gets any coverage except Labour. As an election strategy, it is very effective, and the government is managing to rule by fear to such an extent that nobody seems to be asking the obvious questions about why most of the country is still in Level 2 when they have no cases?

Locking people down and ruining small businesses in case there might be a case lurking somewhere is a ruinous, unforgivable strategy, but such is Jacinda’s star power that somehow, she gets away with it. It is madness; madness that we will all be paying the price for soon enough, but for the moment, it is madness pure and simple.

However, if things are mad enough in this country, brace yourself. The Canadians, it seems, can beat us all hands down in the madness stakes.


Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam told Canadians to avoid kissing and wear masks while having sex to avoid spread of the coronavirus.



Dr. Tam acknowledged that there is low risk of catching the virus from semen or vaginal fluid, but kissing is a problem.

“Like other activities during COVID-19 that involve physical closeness, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of getting infected and spreading the virus,” Dr. Tam said.

Dr. Tam said that by wearing a mask, “Canadians can find ways to enjoy physical intimacy while safeguarding the progress we have all made containing COVID-19.”

I am lost for words. While I accept that the virus is not transmitted sexually, surely all that physical closeness increases the risk of contamination exponentially, and I’m sorry, but I have to ask – apart from certain security guards in Melbourne – who actually wants to have sex with someone who is carrying a potentially deadly disease? Don’t you eliminate that possibility first by – oh, I don’t know – having a test?

Of course, Canada’s ‘top doctor’ has a solution to the problem.


“The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone,” she added.


So the Canadians recommend masturbation as an anti-COVID strategy. That should help to fix the world’s population problem. Can I make another suggestion? How about gimp masks? They would add a definite… how shall I put this… extra dimension to the whole experience, and would assist certain small businesses in these difficult times.

I have said it before, but this time I mean it…

Stop the world. I really do want to get off.

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Ex-pat from the north of England, living in NZ since the 1980s, I consider myself a Kiwi through and through, but sometimes, particularly at the moment with Brexit, I hear the call from home. I believe...