Like a good old custard pie in the face, there’s nothing quite so deliciously amusing as watching an online poll go pear-shaped.

In 2016, Australian Muslim Mariam Veiszadeh ran a Twitter poll demanding to know whether her followers opposed or supported a ban on Muslim immigration to Australia. The result? Of 40,000 votes, three-quarters supported the ban.


What made the result even more galling (or funnier, depending on your perspective) was the fact that Mariam ran the poll in a fit of pique at similar findings from lefty pollsters, Essential Media. Essential’s poll found that half of Australians – including one-third of Greens voters – thought the same. (Speaking of the Greens, they, too, shut down their poll on “whether religion had too much influence” when it returned a resolute “No”.)

Mariam claimed that Essential’s sample size (1000) was too small. Her own sample size, as it happened was 40 times that – but she was very far from getting the result she was obviously fishing for.

But the left are not noted for their ability to learn from bitter failure – and speaking of bitter failures, here comes Pete FitzSimons.

Poor Pirate Pete. His progressive poll on who the populace think will be the next US President produced a perplexing result.

When even lefty sewer Twitter is solidly pro-Trump, Pete really is in trouble. The BFD.

Before you could say “Boaty McBoatface”, Pete was served up a very unappealing sandwich.

But, with true leftist insouciance, FitzSimons simply handwaved the result away.

Undeterred, Pontius Pirate had an explanation for the embarrassing result Tweeting:

[…]It was about 80 per cent for Biden in the first couple of hours, and then reversed over the next 22 hours, as bots, Trumpers and all the rest got involved.

In other words, once word got out further than his own little echo-chamber, Pete found, to his utter shock, that a whole lot of people seemed to actually have different opinions than his own right-on conventionalities.

Surely not? No, it must have been those wily Russians again.

Yep, that’s right, it was the Russians! Time to put on your tin-foil hats again folks because apparently, the result was high jacked—once again—by deplorables and “the rest”. Very amusing indeed. Although, when it comes to knock-down hilarious, Fitzy obviously hasn’t seen Trump’s latest promotional video. Because the 2020 Trump train just keeps on rolling full steam ahead.

But on a serious note, this only shows how out-of-touch the media elite throughout the world has become. They didn’t pick the result of the last U.S. election and it looks like they’re destined to repeat the same mistake again. As Bindi Cole Chocka tweeted:

“This is exactly why pople vote for Trump – because the left think they are so much better than the rest. Once upon a time they were for the working class. Now they are the out of touch elites.”

Out of touch? Pete? Never! Why, he’s so in touch with the great unwashed that he sometimes goes as far as darkest Balmain to stock up on chardonnay and foie gras.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...