Andrew Little appears to have an affinity with things dark. First, it was a mine where he finally saw the light and gave up on the ridiculous hope of bringing out the dead. Now he is focusing on life and involving himself in the Black Lives Matter perversity as Minister of Justice.

The stance he is taking is at best unhelpful and at worst downright dangerous. In order to ingratiate himself with these apartheid rabble-rousers, he stands up and tells them, in an act of breathtaking stupidity, that the system is to blame. In other words, it’s not those that have been convicted of a criminal offence that are in the wrong, they’re absolutely blameless. No, it’s the system, the system that applies to everyone regardless of skin pigmentation.

This idiot needs to explain himself. What exactly is he saying? Is he saying that white people commit as much crime as black people but get let off? Is he saying black people do commit more crime than whites but that the system must be changed so that they can be let off? Is he saying the Police go after black people unfairly?

According to Mr Little, when over half the men, and over two thirds of the women, in prison are Maori, there is something wrong with the system. Why did he say that? Because there’s an election on the horizon and this is the message the crowd wanted to hear? Or does he really believe it? If he really believes it then he’s putting this country on a dangerous path. We are one people, one law for all.

If it can be proved Maori are unfairly treated in some way then that particular area might need looking at. However, I don’t for one moment think the whole system needs changing because one race makes up the majority of the prison population. Whoever commits a crime, black or white, where a prison term is a possibility, then if that is the sentence imposed, that’s where they will go.

There is more to this than just looking at the numbers. Maori have a multitude of social and economic problems. This is only one. A “woe is me” mindset and being totally dependent on Government handouts is a non-starter for anyone for getting ahead in life, no matter what their race. Maori need to proactively address their problems and design a pathway forward that best suits them. Some financial assistance might be needed initially but you have to ask where all the treaty settlement monies have gone.

Ngai Tahu are a very good example of laying out a strategy which has been to the benefit of their people. Others should take a similar path. Blaming the system is the easy option. That’s code for more wasteful spending of taxpayer’s money, which is the only thing this Government is good at and will achieve nothing. It’s the underlying causes that need addressing, but that wouldn’t be on the Black Lives Matter agenda.

A better message from Andrew Little would have been: Don’t blame the system. If you don’t want to do the time don’t do the crime.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.