All has been revealed. Now we know why Jacinda went home to Mummy to get the cabbage leaves to practice wrapping fish and chips. In her very own words, not letting her ego get in the way, on Monday afternoon with her now-defunct Woman’s Weekly cover smile, she announced to the nation – I’M A PERFECTIONIST. If you were drinking at the time you would have risked wetting yourself, maybe in more ways than one. If it was a hot drink the damage might have been worse.

Three words that sum up the Prime Minister, but not in the way she would like. Rather they sum her up for the real person she is. A person who is a great communicator but what she communicates is a mix of drivel, banal platitudes, cliches and downright mistruths. She has proven, since being given the role, that she is anything but a perfectionist. The dictionary meaning of the word perfectionist is someone who refuses to accept any standard short of perfection. This is where her excellence in communicating gets her into trouble. The problem she has is the inability to engage the brain? (the question mark is deliberate) before the utterance.

If she is such a perfectionist then the following questions among others must be asked:

Why did Clare Curran virtually have to sack herself?

The BFD. Clare Curren. Photoshopped image Pixy

Why is Phil Twyford still a Minister?

The BFD. “I kept telling Jacinda I had no idea what I was doing, oh well, maybe your motel will be warm and cozy” (Note, not the woman concerned, just a picture found on the interweb. Not a real quote either, it’s just for LoL’s!)

Why was the investigation into the Labour Youth shenanigans such a fiasco?

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit: Luke

Why are iwi permitted to operate roadblocks?


Why is Shane Jones still a Minister?

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit: Boondecker

Why does she scrap targets rather than meet them?

The BFD. Kiwibuildless. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Why are the Police asked to risk breaking the law to do her bidding?

Why is David Clark still a Minister?

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Why did she not act sooner to close the borders?

Why is there so little financial support for businesses?

Setting herself up as a perfectionist in politics shows naivety of the highest order. It illustrates that Ardern has lost sight of how the game she is in operates. It also shows traits of a narcissistic personality which has been apparent in the context of how the COVID-19 event has been handled. The daily afternoon circus is nothing more than a “look at me” opportunity.

What this country needs now more than ever is real leadership from someone who understands the need to weigh up the health risks along with the economic risks. Someone with the maturity to strike the right balance in terms of getting the economy back up and running.

It is all too obvious that person is not Jacinda Ardern.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.