Making decisions on the trot is never a good way to do anything. Ask any small business owner. They don’t just blindly bumble along adjusting what they do to fit whatever the flavour of the day might be. Even the smallest business venture does cash flow projections and measures on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis how the business is performing against those projections.

Sometimes the business does better. Sometimes it doesn’t do as well as projected. Either way, without knowing what turnover is required and what the break even point is, it’s like going on a trip without a clue what the destination is.

There’s an old saying: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there”, and that’s exactly what New Zealand on Anzac weekend 2020 has felt like.

Long weekends are the lifeblood of retailers across the entire country. Long weekends are traditionally weekends when retailers run special promotions and buyers respond in kind by spending. It’s those long weekends that keep retail businesses alive so that in the quieter weekends, weeks and months, they’re able to remain solvent and keep doing their business.

That’s one reason why many retailers are angry. Because the leadership doesn’t seem to grasp this. The Prime Minister insists that extending Level 4 to 11.59 Monday was only two more working days. She really should have backed away from that concept and apologized for getting it wrong. Instead she argued the point making it abundantly clear that she hasn’t a clue. Bad enough that she has such a cavalier attitude to so much of the hard working population, worse that she also hasn’t got a clue of the double or even treble importance of the long weekend to turnover.

I may not be very bright, because I really can’t work out how any of this helps. An extra 5 full days of Level 4 and then, highly restricted Level 3 where retailers can’t open their doors but they can attend at their shops and do contactless sales. How does that work? And for what? May as well stay at home. You are not going to make sales if you can’t have customers.

But wait, there’s more. Supermarkets and other designated essential services can continue as they have been. How is it OK to have say 20 to 30 or even more people wandering through supermarkets, even if they are maintaining social distancing and other precautions, but not OK for the local butcher or baker to allow two or three customers through at a time?

How is it OK for a real estate agent to bring a maximum of two people from the same bubble through to inspect your home if you have it on the market, again, using appropriate protocols, but it’s not OK for the baker, butcher, etc to open his doors?

The people planning and running this nonsense are simply not on their game and our government is too stupid to see it.

Can somebody please explain to me how this works: At one local school under level 3 after Anzac weekend, I understand babysitting services will be provided for 70 odd students (from a roll of some 600). 70 Students all from different bubbles will all be bundled in together, at safe social distancing of course (good luck with that) and will then return home to their respective bubbles. Assuming there are two parents in each home, that’s 140 people exposed to whatever’s going around at just that one school. Those same people will also go to supermarkets and other places and will extend their bubbles because it’s now ok to do that. Seriously, how does that work?

Either COVID-19 is a complete and absolute fraud, or it is a serious and dangerous health problem. It can’t be a bob each way.

The evidence is now strongly suggesting that we’ve been subjected to the biggest, most mismanaged and exaggerated medical fraud in the history of the planet which will be every bit as destructive as the two world wars.

Will our leaders have the courage to drop this nonsense and grab life by the scruff of the neck and get our world up and running again? Or is Sir Bob Jones right when he says we are a Country of Sheep?

“If Jacinda, as instructed by the default leader Ashely what’s his name, announced that from next Monday, everyone must get about with a 6-inch length of broom handle up their bums, I have not the slightest doubt the majority would comply”

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I've worked in media and business for many years and share my views here to generate discussion and debate. I once leaned towards National politically and actually served on an electorate committee once,...