Are the Democrats returning to the centre? So far, the party’s reaction to the Trump ascension has been absurdly reactionary: despite the “Literally Hitler!” rhetoric, Trump’s policies are in fact almost entirely centrist. Even a border wall is a policy backed until quite recently by prominent Democrats. But, with a sole policy compass of “Orange Man Bad!”, Democrats have reacted to Trumpian centrism by veering to the far left.

But there are signs that the Democrats are trying to claw themselves out of the leftist abyss. Not only is the party machine doing its best to (once again) nobble geriatric socialist Bernie Sanders, but rank and file voters are also deserting the leftist darling of the much-touted “Squad”.

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) may have been the biggest loser on Super Tuesday as all of the candidates that she backed, including socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), did not live up to her hype of them.

This is not just a case of lumping AOC in with every left-wing candidate: these are her own, specifically endorsed fellow-travellers.

Ocasio-Cortez recently started her own far-left group called “Courage to Change” to take on establishment Democrats, and none of the candidates she backed ended up performing very well.

Among the candidates was 26-year-0ld immigration lawyer Jessica Cisnerous, who Ocasio-Cortez went out of her way to boost in her race in Texas’ 28th Congressional District against Henry Cuellar.

Two other candidates backed by Ocasio-Cortez also floundered. Christina Tzintzún Ramirez failed in her bid to run for the Senate in Texas. Georgette Gomez managed to get on the November ballot for California but ran a distant second (19%) to establishment candidate Sara Jacobs (28%).

But it’s Ocasio-Cortez’s Big Socialist Daddy who’s failing the hardest.

Most notably, Sanders did not perform well on Super Tuesday, despite Ocasio-Cortez’s aggressive campaigning for him this year.

“It was a bloodbath for Sanders[…]States where Sanders had the inside track just days ago, particularly Maine, Minnesota, Texas, and Massachusetts, went for Biden, who also won Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Alabama. His margin in Virginia alone provided him with enough ballast to survive Sanders’ numbers out West. Sanders got obliterated so badly in Alabama that he likely will get close to zero delegates, just a worst case scenario performance.”

Even far-left Vox was forced to concede how disastrous Sanders’ performance was, writing, “It’s really hard to overstate how bad this is for Sanders.”

As pollsters are noting, Sanders’ vote has shrunk since 2016, not grown.

Just to show how out of sync Ocasio-Cortez is, across the board, she also backed Jeremy Corbyn in Britain’s election. Indeed, she’ll be lucky to see another term, herself.

The congresswoman even struggles to carry weight in her own district as Tiffany Cabán, the district attorney backed by Ocasio-Cortez last year, was forced to concede a loss to the Democratic establishment.

Numerous polls have shown that Ocasio-Cortez is not well liked across the country or even in her own district as she is seen by many as being too extreme.

Perhaps the Democrats have finally finished screaming helplessly at the sky and are coming to their senses?

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...