Can you trust David Seymour & the ACT Party here in NZ? We think not. Here’s why.

The ACT Party here in New Zealand is described as a Right-Wing, Classical Liberal party. On its website it claims to be all about protecting Freedom of Speech.

We went to a meeting recently to hear David Seymour, the leader of the ACT Party, speak. We left shocked, disappointed and angry. Despite the attacks on Free Speech and controls on the press described in the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration, Seymour deflected away questions on the Compact and came out with the stock “it’s not legally binding” response when he knows very well it’s there for courts and lawyers to refer to.

He also became angry and shouted “for fuck’s sake” at one point when questioning on the Compact continued.

When asked directly if he would commit to removing New Zealand’s signature from the Compact, his answer was, “NO”.

When it came to his final question, he said it could be on any subject so long as it wasn’t immigration thus removing the Compact from the discussion?

Why has Seymour done a Winston Peters on this?

To claim he is pro-Free Speech and then minimise the importance of the Migration Compact and refuse to take questions on it, makes Seymour a hypocrite and a fake who is misleading his voters in our view.

After this performance by Seymour, our advice is to never again vote for ACT.

I'm a girl Friday who schedules posts. I'm in my early twenties and I voted for ACT at the last election.