The Democrats might be committing political suicide with their ridiculous impeachment proceedings, but some Americans have become so unhinged by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they’re attempting literal suicide over the Bad Orange Man.

A Florida woman stabbed herself in the stomach multiple times over the weekend because she was tired of living in President Donald Trump’s America, police said.

Of course, it was Florida.

Police responded to a call about an adult female who had “stabbed herself with a kitchen knife,” according to the report. Upon arriving to the residence in the town of Palmetto, the report said, officers observed blood “all over” the woman’s legs, hands and face.

Asked what was wrong, the woman was said to have lifted up her shirt to reveal three self-inflicted stab wounds.

“I’m tired of living in Trump’s country,” she explained, according to the report. “I’m tired of Trump being president.”

Ever since that person of indeterminate gender wept and howled on national television (and Rachel Maddow burst into tears, too), liberal America has been steadily descending into a snake-pit of craziness. “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is not just a snarky, right-wing meme, either. It’s becoming recognised as a bona fide mental illness.

Last year, therapists indicated a rise in what they unofficially diagnosed as “Trump Anxiety Disorder.” In a 2017 essay, clinical psychologist Jennifer Panning – who is credited with originally coining the term – described the symptoms of “Trump Anxiety disorder” as worrying about the state of the country, feeling helpless and out of control, and spending too much time on social media.

In April, a video of an anti-Trump activist who identifies as a clown and acknowledges being mentally ill went viral after she announced she was reclaiming the clown symbol in the name of her people. Lil Lunchbox, aka Bri Washington, said in the video that she was disgusted at the alt-right’s co-opting of a meme depicting Pepe the Frog wearing a red nose and rainbow-colored wig.

So, it’s not just Nancy Pelosi: liberal Americans really are crazy clowns.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...