The word for today is…

stench (noun) – 1. A strong, foul odour; a stink.
2. A foul or objectionable quality

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Old English stenc “a smell, odor, scent, fragrance” (either pleasant or unpleasant), from Proto-Germanic *stankwiz (source also of Old Saxon stanc, Old High German stanch, German stank). Related to stincan “emit a smell” as drench is to drink. It tended toward “bad smell” in Old English (as a verb, only with this sense), and the notion of “evil smell” has predominated since circa 1200.

Peter is a fourth-generation New Zealander, with his mother's and father's folks having arrived in New Zealand in the 1870s. He lives in Lower Hutt with his wife, some cats and assorted computers. His...