If there’s one thing that’s obvious about the globalist left-elite, it’s that they never deign to live in the world of their own making. The plutocrats of Silicon Valley and Washington secure themselves in walled compounds far from the stench of human filth that’s overwhelming cities like San Francisco. The wealthiest residents of Wentworth vote for “climate action”, but make sure that no wind turbines sully their harbour views.

But Open Borders is the starkest example of elitist NIMBY hypocrisy. The Greens, the richest voter bloc in Australia, campaign to bring illegal immigrants to our shores – while being careful to ship them all out to the poor Western suburbs.

The arrogant isolation of the left-elite in Wentworth is writ large in Europe, where poor southern nations are being forced to carry the burden of decisions made in Brussels, at the behest of Germany.

What has become Europe’s “toilet” is now officially full. That’s how an African boy put it to me last summer­: “Athens is a toilet, and we are living in it.”

It’s got so bad, even the turds themselves are noticing that the bog is overflowing.

The Dublin Regulation, for example — catastrophic for Greece — was a farsighted policy by Brussels. It ensured people claiming refugee status had to be processed in their first port of call. Greece was a convenient solution. In 2015, one million refugees poured into the country, trudging through the Balkans to reach Germany, the northernmost Europea­n states and Britain.

“Farsighted” is one way to put it. “Cynically self-serving” might be more accurate.

German chancellor Angela Merkel almost single-handedly created Europe’s illegal immigrant disaster, when she declared the gates of Europe open to all comers. In a panic at the tens of millions who flooded Europe’s Mediterranean shores and swept north to the welfare states, the EU desperately sought a way to spare the elite in Brussels from the disaster they had created.

Meanwhile, Greece’s coastlines and its islands — its most important export — were suddenly­ covered in bodies, orange­ life jackets, shoes and nappies […] No refugee wants to remain in Greece, a poor country with an ailing economy and a weak welfare­ system. They want to go to Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Britain.

Of course they do. That’s because they’re not “refugees”: they’re illegal economic migrants with no intention of working for a living if they can sponge off German and British taxpayers.

But then, the Trump Derangement Syndrome sets in.

The US also has much to answer­ for. Most administrations since WWII have sought to inveigle their way into international disputes in the name of American interests that we have been convinced are humanity’s interests. This has been the case particularly in the Middle East, something recently confirmed by […] US President Donald Trump’s blunder.

What is this clown talking about? It’s as if there’s no blame to be borne by Bush, Obama, or the Clintons, let alone globalists such as the UN, whose meddling led directly to Libya becoming a failed state. On the other hand, Trump is committed to ending the US’s constant “inveigl[ing] their way into international disputes in the name of American interests”.

In the coming months, we may see thousands of newly displaced people heading for Europe yet again. This time the insulated northern European states will not be able to ignore reality. Those in Vienna, Bern and Stockholm may finally get a taste of what it feels like to live in Athens, because their southern European “toilet” is already full.


You’d think the Greeks would have learned by now. Greece was humiliated by Brussels and especially by Berlin during the economic and political crises of 2008-2012. Instead of being left to deal with the harsh realities of their own financial vagabondry, Greeks were forced to endure a humiliating regime of German paternalism and authoritarianism.

Rather than shaking their fists at America, Greeks and other southern European nations would be better off learning from the people of Britain and Australia: tell the EU to get lost and demand that the government get serious and start shipping grifting illegal immigrants right back where they came from. Time for Grexit.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...