Like all publicly self-righteousness religious cults, the sanctimonious zealots of climate change alarmism have a penchant for blowing trumpets and making public protestations of piety – while secretly indulging in every one of the vices they denounce from their social media pulpits.

Just as Jimmy Swaggart got sprung shagging hookers in cheap motels and fellow televangelist Ted Haggard was caught out whooping it up in meth-fuelled circle-jerks with rent boys, the pious pecksniffs of Gaia have their own dirty little secrets.

Researchers at the universities of Cambridge and Vermont found that green activists take up to nine flights a year (far more than us ‘normals’).

They also tend to eat meat and indulge in other environmentally unfriendly habits on the quiet, the researchers told the Daily Mail.

The researchers write that there seems to be ‘little correlation between the extent of environmental knowledge and environmentally friendly behaviour’.

But there’s certainly a direct correlation between being a climate change crusader and being a big, fat hypocrite.

The researchers write, ‘Many conservationists undertake environmentally harmful activities in their private lives such as flying and eating meat, while calling for people as a whole to reduce such behaviours.’

It isn’t just the bougie British climate snobs who are guilty of environmental humbug. The supposedly climate-conscious Danes have the fifth-largest average carbon footprints in Europe. Even worse than the Danes are the supposedly “green” Icelanders.

Wow, if even the shrieking doomsayers preaching that we stand on the brink of climate-induced extinction have such Godzilla-sized carbon footprints, how much worse must we wicked skeptics be?


Scientists have conducted a year-long study of the behaviour of American adults, whom they grouped according to their climate change beliefs. From the “‘Skeptical’, who believed least in climate change”, to the “‘Highly Concerned,” who had the strongest beliefs and concern about climate change”. You’d naturally think that the “Highly Concerned” would be striving to live up to their fanatical beliefs.


The “Highly Concerned” were most supportive of government climate policies, but least likely to report individual-level actions, whereas the “Skeptical” opposed policy solutions but were most likely to report engaging in individual-level pro-environmental behaviors.

So, if you thought climate change alarmism was being used as a Trojan horse for ever-more-intrusive, big-government, nanny-statism rather than actually trying to look after the environment…you’d be absolutely correct.

And, of course, as is usual with cultish religious zealots, it’s a case of “Do as I say, not as I do”.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...