As Theodore Dalrymple has written, “To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself…a society of emasculated liars is easy to control”. The West is fast becoming a society dominated by literally emasculated liars. But the greatest evil being perpetrated is not the obvious lie of transgenderism, but the legally-sanctioned mutilation it is forcing upon younger and younger children.

Anthropologists in the future will spend a lot of time discussing and debating the question of when, exactly, the once-great American civilization went insane, why it happened, and how. I can only imagine what conclusions they will draw…What I do know is that this case will be viewed as a seminal moment in our collective plunge into madness. It will be seen as, at least from a legal standpoint, the point of no return. The crossing of some kind of terrible Rubicon. I refer to the story of 7-year-old James Younger, whose father, Jeff Younger, has been trying to save him from a forced gender “transition.”

It’s an odd thought, but rock musician Pete Townsend was sagaciously prescient. When he wrote, “I’m a boy, I’m a boy, but my ma won’t admit it,” little did he know, surely, that he was practically writing the script for this deranged drama.

Jeff has been locked in a bitter court battle with his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas…As The Texan previously reported, the factors that convinced Georgulas that her son is really her daughter include his affinity for the movie “Frozen” and his request to get a “girl toy” from McDonald’s. She also says he started expressing a wish to dress in girl’s clothing.

Was it really only a year or two that “Patriarchy Comics” drew an almost-identical satire? When there is no meaningful distinction between satire and reality, we really do live in a Clown World.

Jeff Younger recently explained in an interview that if James ever had any desire to wear dresses, it’s only because his mother started putting him in dresses and painting his nails when he was just 3-years-old. He claims that she used several other methods of manipulation, including locking the boy in his room and telling him that “the monsters only eat boys.” Jeff speculates that Georgulas would withhold affection from James if he did not act like a girl.

…It should be noted that, according to Jeff, James “violently refuses” to wear girl clothes when he is at his father’s house. Free from the clutches of his mother, Jeff says, James is relieved to act like a boy, dress like a boy, and play like a boy. The mother claims the opposite, insisting that James is excited to return to his mother and his identity as “Luna.” I think both claims are probably true, in a sense. The poor boy realizes that it pleases his mother for him to be Luna, and so he “wants” to play that role for her sake.

Little James might well be desperately confused, but psychological eyebrows should really be raised skeptically at any mother who is so determined to mutilate their child.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy [is] a mental disorder in which parents invent or create illnesses in their children…I believe that James Younger is the victim of a new, and increasingly common, kind of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. His disturbed mother has, in effect, created gender confusion in her child. This case hopefully will not end in murder, but it may well end with the child’s physical mutilation at the behest of his mother. And considering the very high rate of suicide in the transgender community, it could certainly be argued that she is putting her son’s life at risk. She is certainly ruining it, at the very least.

There are legal cases that stand out as epochal, for good or ill. Think Emmett Till, Roe v Wade, or Eddie Mabo. This case may well be seen as regretfully epochal.

We would make a huge mistake to treat James Younger’s plight as some kind of tragic anomaly. We live in a time when many children are having left-wing gender theories shoved down their throats. If most of these situations don’t result in heated legal disputes, it’s only because both parents are guilty of the abuse so there is no one around to bring the case. And the situation will only get worse if we don’t start paying attention. Children are being exploited and manipulated in the most insidious ways imaginable. We can’t sit by and watch it happen anymore.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...