I’m guessing that Phil Quin just adores Tarantino movies. Tarantino’s movies too often pander to faddish pack-runners who are easily distracted by vacuous surface appearance. As his nonsensical, spittle-flecked diatribe against US president Donald Trump shows, Quin is pretty much the avatar of the unthinking sheep mentality that defines the mainstream media.

Like the rest of the legacy media, Quin lacks the basic mental acuity (not to say independent mind) to see that, firstly, Trump is playing his type like a fiddle. But worse, Stuff hacks are incapable of comprehending that, just possibly, beneath the surface distractions that set the legacy media yapping like the brainless terriers that they are, Trump is playing a far subtler game.

But, hey, what am I saying? These are the has-been scribblers who swooned in droves at Ardern’s vacuous fairy-dust.

There is no fake rumour about Trump too stupid that legacy media dolts won’t fall for it. Remember the Gorilla Channel? Legacy media idiots were firmly convinced that Trump had actually had a 24-hour channel of fighting gorillas streamed into the White House. It was a hoax, as any idiot child could have said. Even Snopes didn’t fall for it.

Yet, even idiot child Phil Quin swallows, hook, line and sinker, the fake news that Trump wanted to use nukes to stop hurricanes (not even Trump could be that awesome, c’mon).

The funniest thing about the yapping chihuahuas of the legacy media, though, is how utterly they fail to comprehend how they’re being played. While Trump is poking sticks through the White House gates, he’s also shaping up as one of the most consequential presidents in decades. Not least in his trade showdown with China.

Much of the criticism of the President’s rhetorical backflips on China ignores this central point: that Trump is trying to do with China what no other US president had done. Trump has started a trade war that is scaring much of the world, but he has done so in the hope that he will force historic changes to China’s unfair trading practices that will benefit the rest of the world, including Australia.

Yet it’s true that Trump is thin-skinned to a fault, and has a good memory for bad turns. Trump will almost certainly remember who backed him in his historic trade war, and who ran with the globalist pack.

While Australia, like many Western nations, is uncomfortable with the tit-for-tat tariff war between the economic superpowers, Scott Morrison this week backed the US President’s push to change the way China does business with the world.

“China needs to become part of the new global architecture and that’s what we’re wrestling with,” the Prime Minister told The Australian in France.

What the barking poodles of the legacy media ignore – or are incapable of grasping – is the scale of China’s bad-faith dealing on the global market or the magnitude of what Trump is trying. China has used every unfair practice in the book to boost its economy, from currency manipulation and commodity dumping to wholesale plunder of intellectual property. To date, Western leaders have been distinguished only by their gutlessness.

To put Trump’s trade war, and the chorus of babbling nay-sayers, into a kind of context, imagine if John F. Kennedy had chosen to ignore the fact that the Soviets were parking nuclear missiles right on America’s doorstep.

So far, despite growing concerns about the impact of this trade war on the US and global economy, Trump has shown no sign of backing down […]“China has been ripping this country off for 25 years and it’s about time whether it’s good for our country or bad for our country short term. Long term it’s imperative that somebody does this because our country cannot continue to pay China $US500 billion a year because stupid people are running it […]The fact is somebody had to take China on. Obama should have done it. Bush should have done it. Clinton should have done it. They all should have done it. Nobody did it. I’m doing it.

“I could be sitting here right now with a stockmarket that would be up 10,000 points higher if I didn’t want to do it. But I think we have no choice but to do it.”


In the same way that Reagan stared down the Soviets in spite of the incessant yapping of the left-media, Trump is making the tough decisions and risking the short-term pain, for a generational payoff.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...