This map only includes countries where LAND combat took place. If a country was only bombed (such as Australia) then it does not count.

An explanation for some of the countries included:

UK: Channel Islands were occupied and a couple of skirmishes occurred during Commando raids.

Georgia: The village of Pskhu was occupied by the Wehrmacht in September 1942 and many Soviet soldiers died in its defence. While it’s located in the disputed territory of Abkhazia, it’s most convenient to colour Georgia.

Greenland: It’s not included because it’s a part of Denmark but rather because some skirmishes did occur during the war between the American Coast guard and the Greenland sled patrol on one side against German weather station personnel(mainly March 1943, April and October 1944).

United States: Alaskan islands of Kiska and Attu were invaded by the Japanese. Kiska was later abandoned while Attu had to be liberated in a bloody battle.

French Guiana: Purely included because it is part of modern day France.

Morocco: Operation Torch – American troops fought against Vichy French(axis co-belligerents).

Algeria: Same as Morocco.

Sudan: Several outposts on the border of Ethiopia were occupied by Italians.

Eritrea: Invasion of Italian East Africa in 1941.

Ethiopia: Same as Eritrea.

Somalia: Italian invasion of British Somaliland and later invasion of Italian East Africa.

Kenya: Italians occupied several towns in the north, such as Buna and Moyale.

Gabon: Free French invasion of Vichy French colony after it refused to join them.

Madagascar: Allied invasion of the Vichy colony(which was supported by the Japanese navy).

Middle Eastern countries: Allied invasions of Iraq(which could be said was an Axis co-belligerent. Some German planes fought in Iraq) and Vichy colony Syria-Lebanon.

India: Some villages near the border with Myanmar were occupied.

Japan: Okinawa

Koreas: During the Soviet invasion of Japanese occupied territories in August-September 1945.

Some countries not included:

Finland: During the Winter War neither side was part of any alliance. During the Continuation War no fighting took place in modern Finnish territory. During the Lapland War Finland was not part of the Allies(they joined in March 1945)

South Sudan: I geniunely don’t know if any fighting happened on their territory.

Senegal: As far as I know, the Battle of Dakar was purely a naval engagement.

South East Asian countries:Ā Again, from what I’ve read, no combat between Axis and Allies took place on the territory of modern-day Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

Monaco: It was occupied by Italy and then Germany but no combat took place in the city-state.

Countries where land combat between Allied and Axis(including co-belligerent) armies took place during WW2(1939-1945)

A contribution from The BFD staff.