In the wake of the two most newsworthy recent mass shootings in America, the left-media class have fallen over themselves to scream blame and point the finger at President Trump, conservatives and “White Nationalists”. But the reality is that not only is much of the recent violence in America directly perpetrated by the extreme fringe of the left, it is the left themselves who’ve been encouraging violence for the past three years.

At least one of the shooters in America’s weekend of violence was reported (his social media accounts were hurriedly sent into the Memory Hole) to be an Antifa-supporting, pro-Elizabeth Warren socialist. The other is apparently yet another murderous “eco-fascist”, who wrote that “our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country”. He also appeared to deny being a “White Nationalist”.

Eco-fascists are not the antithesis of the green-left, they’re their siblings: just as fascism was the nationalist brother of internationalist socialism. An “eco-fascist” is just a Green who means it.

Another recent terror attack in the US, the firebombing and attempted shooting at an ICE facility, was carried out by a far-left Antifa supporter, apparently inspired by socialist darling Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s nutty gibbering about “concentration camps”.

Violence from the left has become so commonplace that an online database of attacks on Trump supporters lists nearly 40 attacks in 2019 alone.

If all of that isn’t enough, the left-elite are openly glorifying fantasies of even more violence.

A movie showing liberals stalking supporters of President Donald Trump is slated to be released in September but has lost an advertisement on ESPN in the wake of two mass shootings on Aug. 3 and Aug. 4.

The movie, “The Hunt,” from Universal Pictures, shows people hunting down “deplorables,” a term failed presidential contender Hillary Clinton used to describe supporters of Trump during the 2016 campaign.

According to the Reporter, the movie’s script features blue-state characters choosing to hunt red-state characters who expressed pro-life positions or were deemed racist.

One executive who passed on the script told the outlet that he didn’t even read it, adding: “The idea seemed crazy.”

“Employees in different departments were questioning the wisdom of making such a movie in these times,” added a filmmaker with ties to Universal. “In light of the horrific [recent shootings], is this not the most craven, irresponsible, dangerous exploitation?”

This movie is just the latest in a slew of disgusting leftist fantasies inciting violence: from Madonna boasting about wanting to blow up the White House, to rap videos depicting murdering white children or President Trump.

As they have since 2016, the left is inciting ever-escalating violence. Despite all their crocodile tears and blame-shifting, America’s current wave of violence is the world the left wanted.

Well, as the saying goes: be careful what you wish for.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...