From the warmest July on record, according to some, we are suddenly plunged into a freezing cold August. Snow, hail storms and negative or single-digit temperatures find us huddling under our duvets waiting for Spring.

A climate scientist says last month was New Zealand’s warmest July on the books, going by a measure that took in more than the official number of stations.
Niwa is shortly due to release the official statistics for July, which its meteorologist Ben Noll last week said was on track to finish somewhere in the top five.
New Zealand’s warmest July ever recorded, at 1.8C above average, came in 1998 – just as that year’s devastating El Nino climate system was dissipating.
Toward the end of last month, the official July temperature record was tracking at about 1.5C above average.

A Newspaper

Either the snow gods are playing tricks or we got global warming wrong or the weather is not an indicator of climate change – which is what the man-made climate change subscribers tell us. Ignore extreme weather patterns, they say, because it indicates global warming. Huh?

But if we think we got badly frozen, spare a thought for the US which fared no better. Their 2018/2019 winter saw the coldest temperatures ever recorded in all 50 US states.

The coldest temperature recorded in each state. Credit: Source: NOAA

“One of the most interesting facts is that every state in the continental U.S. has seen temperatures drop below zero.

Even Florida dropped to 2 degrees below zero on Feb. 13, 1899, in Tallahassee. This occurred during an Arctic outbreak during which numerous all-time record low temperatures were set, including Washington D.C. (15 degrees below zero); Atlanta, (9 degrees below zero); and Dallas (8 degrees below zero). Flurries were even reported from Tampa to New Orleans during that massive outbreak.

The only state that has not seen a subzero temperature is Hawai’i. The coldest temperature recorded in Hawai’i is 12 degrees at the Mauna Kea Observatory, which is at an elevation of 13,796 feet, on May 17, 1979.

Of course, as expected, the coldest temperature in the U.S. was set in Alaska. The mercury plummeted to 80 degrees below zero on Jan. 23, 1971 in Prospect Creek in central Alaska, north of Fairbanks.

The coldest temperature recorded in the contiguous U.S. is 70 degrees below zero, measured at Rogers Pass, Montana, on Jan. 20, 1954.

The oldest record was set on Jan. 22, 1885 on Mount Washington, New Hampshire, the highest peak in the Northeast, when the thermometer dropped to 50 degrees below zero.

The most recent record on the list was set on Feb. 10, 2011 in Nowata, Oklahoma, when the temperature reached 31 degrees below zero.”

To compensate for the freezing cold weather here and in the US – Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK reached the hottest recording-breaking levels during the last week of July. We are experiencing worldwide extreme weather patterns.

CNN UK Met Office July 25 2019

If you are confused about global warming, spare a thought for the climate scientists who are divided on the subject of man-made global warming. The scientists who go on record in the Mainstream Media say climate change is responsible for the worldwide extremes in weather patterns. But it seems to me that climate data can be manipulated to say whatever it is that they want it to say to fulfil their particular political or financial agendas.

I am happily a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define. Four generations ago my forebears left overcrowded, poverty ridden England, Ireland and Germany for better prospects here. They were...