As I pondered more than a month ago, is NATO, the US especially, exploiting Ukraine to fight a proxy war against Russia? Well, we don’t have to wonder any more, because that’s exactly what they’re telling us.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has openly admitted that the US aim is to “weaken Russia”. President Joe Biden inadvertently went further, stating that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power”: in other words, regime change is the goal. Of course, Biden’s puppet masters rushed in like so many frantically waving Easter Bunnies to assure us that that’s not what the president meant at all.

If that wasn’t enough, the EU parliament’s Radek Sikorski promotes using the war as a new version of Afghanistan, to weaken the Putin government and bring about its collapse.

Even if they weren’t telling us out loud, it would be obvious from their actions. If the sole goal was sparing innocent lives – as it ought to be –the West would be bending over backwards to bring Putin to the negotiating table. Instead, they’re doing the opposite.

They’ve rejected it out of hand. So that’s not their goal, saving Ukraine, saving human lives. No, that’s not their goal. Instead, the war in Ukraine is designed to cause regime change in Moscow. They want to topple the Russian government.

So, we know for a fact what they want to do. Tucker Carlson thinks he knows why: because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

Vladimir Putin got Donald Trump elected, they told us. Hillary Clinton said that repeatedly […] It was not a factual claim and yet they kept saying it in the face of no evidence and over time they began acting on it like it was true.

Even though the whole “Russiagate” narrative has been busted harder than Hunter Biden caught taking crack-smoking selfies, the Democrats continue to pretend that it was true. Just last month, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the Russian government “hacked our election here”. (As it happens, she was peddling the lie again while supposedly “tackling misinformation”. You almost have to admire the brazenness of it all.)

But, if you really believed that, as too many Democrats seemed to have talked themselves into doing – well, what would you do about it?

As Carlson also points out, the Democrats themselves linked a war with Russia to the “Russiagate” lie as far back as the first Trump impeachment. It was at those hearings that Adam Schiff proclaimed: “the United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there and we don’t have to fight Russia here”.

That would be payback for the 2016 election. So, this is the logical, maybe the inevitable end stage of Russiagate.

The US and EU’s agitation for regime change in Moscow undermines their high-falutin’ rhetoric about “freedom”, “democracy” and “sovereignty”. Because, if they really believed that, as Carlson points out, they’d leave it up to Ukraine to negotiate a settlement. But they’re not doing that, even though Vlodomyr Zelensky has said numerous times that it’s time to negotiate. Every time he does, though, the US and NATO hand over another few billions worth of weapons to keep the war going. Just to drive home the message, Democrat Congressman Jason Crow openly says that the US won’t let a negotiated peace happen.

Here’s Congressman Crow telling us we’re not going to accept a “stalemate”. We’re in it to win it. We’re going to win. We’re here until we get victory. Well, that raises the obvious question. What is winning? What is victory?

To that end, the Biden administration is flooding Ukraine with nearly $40 billion worth of weapons. As Carlson points out, that’s more than twice what the US spends defending its own borders, and exponentially more than it spends on the crippled veterans of the last Forever War.

The escalation continues at a remarkable pace, and you know that if you watch the money. We’re continuing to shovel cash to the government of Ukraine, which just last year Democrats described as one of the most corrupt in the world, but whatever, and we’re sending money to Ukraine at levels that are astounding.

So, how much is ever going to be enough to assuage Hillary Clinton’s fury at those “deplorables” denying her her rightful place on the throne? Tens of billions of dollars in weapons and tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives may be just the start. Because the longer the Democrats try to punish Russia for imaginary “election hacking”, the higher and deadlier the risk of escalation.

Escalation between nuclear powers.

If you want to know why our leaders are determined to escalate this conflict, there’s your answer. It means more power for them. It means revenge for the 2016 election, and if that means triggering a nuclear conflict between our nation and theirs, so be it.

Fox News

Is that how it all ends? A radioactive wasteland with a single, faded, “I’m With Her” placard as the last monument to civilisation?

Steal my election, will you? I’ll show you all! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...