Omicron is more and more looking like the most disappointing “O” since my first girlfriend said, “Is that it?”

As I reported recently, despite the rinse-and-repeat Chicken Little screeching from the usual gaggle of know-nothing mainstream media and public health troughers, Omicron is shaping up to be even less deadly than Delta — and we all know what a fizzer that was. That hasn’t stopped the Covidians from trying to ramp up the hysteria to apocalyptic levels, of course.

But they’re looking sillier every day we learn more about the not-so-scary Omicron variant.

The Omicron variant of Covid-19 is likely to be more infectious than past strains, but so far, those infected with it suffer only mild symptoms, and there have been no deaths from it globally, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said today.

Remember when everyone was losing their heads at the thought of Omicron escaping from Africa? Too late, it already has… and big deal.

Just as Delta, despite all the hype was about a tenth less deadly than the already 99% survivable earlier strains, Omicron is even less deadly still. It certainly appears to be more transmissable, but it’s rapidly becoming exactly what the once-devastating Spanish Flu is: just another seasonal bug.

Those who had previously recovered from Covid-19 may have a higher risk of reinfection with Omicron, compared with the Delta and Beta variants, said the ministry.

This is linked to early clinical observations from South Africa and elsewhere that reveal Omicron’s increased transmissibility.

For all that, though, no-one’s even died of it yet.

There have been no Omicron-related deaths reported so far, said the MOH on Sunday. The variant was first reported to the World Health Organisation on Nov 24 by South Africa.

While there had been more hospitalisations of Omicron cases among young adults and children, MOH said this could be due to the high infection rates as well as existing patients who were hospitalised for non-Covid reasons, but had nevertheless tested positive with the variant.

These hospitalisation stays have been short — lasting one to two days — for younger people detected with Omicron in South Africa.
“Cases who have been detected around the world have mostly displayed mild symptoms Common symptoms reported include sore throat, tiredness and cough,” said the MOH.

That doesn’t mean they’re about to let go of the scare-mongering in a hurry, though.

But the ministry added that in the coming weeks, more information of infections among older people is needed in order to determine if Omicron is more severe than the Delta variant.

Malay Mail

H1N1, the subtype of Influenza A that caused the Spanish Flu, is still very much with us. Occasionally it causes more severe outbreaks, particularly the 2009 Swine Flu outbreak, but mostly it just causes a small fraction of seasonal flu cases. It’s looking pretty clear that SARS-CoV-2 is rapidly going the same way.

Like everything else made in China, it’s crapping out in just a couple of years.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...