As analysis published by The BFD has shown, “Critical Race Theory” claims to be “anti-racist”, while being very, very, very racist indeed.

Imagine, if you will, Florida governor Ron De Santis announcing that he would not give interviews to Hispanic reporters; or Ted Cruz refusing to talk to black journalists. The mainstream media would be in meltdown for months – and rightly so. Such a despicable policy would be clear-cut racism.

Of course, white Republican politicians do no such thing. Black Democrats, on the other hand…

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is two years into her first term in office. To mark the occasion, she is discriminating against white reporters who want to ask her about it. One white reporter is taking her to court.

Lightfoot, whom you may recall as that weird-looking woman who looks like Beetlejuice in blackface, makes no secret of her racist policy. “Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.”

Oddly, she doesn’t protest the lack of diversity in Chicago’s skyrocketing murder rate. Hundreds of people are murdered in Chicago every year – dozens in a single day. Chicago’s murder rate rose 65% just last year. There were a staggering 4,033 shootings.
95% of the victims are black, as are nearly all of their murderers.

That’s one serious lack of diversity.

But Lightfoot has more important things to worry about – like uppity whities in the press pool.

Thomas Catenacci, a caucasian reporter working for the Daily Caller News Foundation, has been denied access to the mayor after multiple attempts. The lawsuit alleges this is “clearly blocking press freedom through racial discrimination.” In other words, LAWYER UP!

The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, alleges that Lightfoot’s denial violates the DCNF and Catenacci’s First Amendment rights and Catenacci’s right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment[…]

In fairness to Mayor Lightfoot, DCNF is a right-leaning news outlet. Rejecting the interview request could be less about race and more about being afraid of the questions asked such as ones about union corruption and street violence. Two things Chicago has become known for besides having crappy pizza. Whether Catenacci was denied because of the color of his skin or because of the cowardice of the mayor’s office, that’s for a judge to decide. But when it’s not only the policy of the mayor to deny white reporters, but it’s a policy she freely admits out loud, there’s enough of a reason to think race is involved here.

That’s the bigger problem. Mayor Lightfoot thinks she can get away with racial discrimination because she doesn’t think anyone will call her out on it. I’m sure Lightfoot assumes many in the media share her political opinions, so they’ll just look the other way. Because many in the media share her political opinions and will most likely look the other way.

Louder With Crowder

No doubt Lightfoot will, hand on heart, swear that she’s an anti-racist.

And, once you understand the racist weirdness of Critical Race Theory, she’s probably telling the truth.

The central bigotry of CRT is that all whites are racist. So, if you’re “anti-racist”, then you’re ipso facto anti-white. Sure, Lightfoot might point out that she’s in a relationship with a white woman. But then, Bill Burr is married to a black woman and the CRT loonies argue that that only proves he’s a racist. Yes, seriously.

So, by the same logic, Lightfoot might keep a white woman as a bed-pet, but that only proves she’s a racist, hey? Heck, even slave owners had a House Girl or two to warm their beds.

Lori Lightfoot wants to know where de white wimmin at. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It remains to be seen whether America is so far gone into the new regime of Jim Snow that its courts will back black racists who openly discriminate against white reporters.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...