Journalist Ami Horowitz has made a hilarious speciality out of contrasting the vanities of “anti-racist” white liberals with what ordinary black Americans really think. In one of his recent videos, he first asks white liberals about abolishing the police. To a non-gender-specific trans-man, they all agree. The police are racist, black people live in fear of the police, black people would be better off without police, blah, blah, blah.

Then Horowitz canvasses black Americans in Harlem.

“I think they’re full of crap!” “It would be crazy! …robberies, looting, raping, murder…” “Abolishing the NYPD? That would be suicide!” (The last, hilariously, came from a gentleman sporting a BLM tshirt.)

Well, New York is getting a taste of what abolishing the police would be like – and black community leaders are pretty clear about it.

In the wake of continued weeks of gun violence, including the recent death of a one-year-old, members of the black community are calling on the NYPD to bring back their recently disbanded anti-crime unit to help get guns off the streets.

The black community are especially aghast that young innocents are paying the ultimate price for bourgeois leftist vanity.

In a dramatic moment, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams held up a pair of baby shoes Monday, after a one-year-old became the latest victim of gun violence. The one-year-old was caught in the crossfire at a family barbecue.

Adams pleaded:

“Babies are not supposed to be wearing these in a coffin […]

Right now, bad guys are saying if you don’t see a blue and white, you can do whatever you want.”

Community activist, Tony Herbert agrees:

“The guns keep going off and now we have a 1-year-old and the blood is on the hands of the mayor and the state legislature.”

New York’s mayor is a former(?) radical communist, schooled in Nicaragua and Cuba. With true communist chutzpah, Bill de Blasio spouts right-on platitudes even as his own policies up the death count.

“This is not anything we can allow in our city. It is heartbreaking. It’s heartbreaking for so many reason and begins with the fact that there are just so many guns out there and that is a New York tragedy.”

Unfortunately, the mayor’s words are as good as nothing without action, and action he is not taking. De Blasio did not offer any new solutions to ending the gun violence. Shootings for the week went up 277% with 49, compared to 13 in 2019.

The number of victims is up 253% with 60 compared to 17 in 2019. NYPD statistics also show a huge drop in gun arrests during the last week.

John Jay College professor, Joe Giaclone, also a former police officer, said the city has been eroding the ability of the cops to get guns off the streets for years. The latest of course, is the disbanding of the anti-crime unit.

Pfft. What would some egghead or a bunch of black folks know, anyway? As any communist will tell you, when Marxist nostrums fail, the only remedy is to keep going. All they need to do is get rid of more cops and utopia will dawn.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...