I know I’ve said before that people should stop paying attention to the vacuous tub-thumping of Hollywood celebrities. Not only do these ninnies live in the most elitist bubble since the Sun King ruled in elite splendour at Versailles, but most of them aren’t particularly well-informed or even that clever. As Ricky Gervais taunted, most of them “spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg”. Even Sir Anthony Hopkins admits that “actors are pretty stupid”.

So, why am I going against my own advice, here, and paying attention to an actor’s opinion?

Sure, a part of it is my-side bias: I just like what John Rhys-Davies has to say. But it’s much more than that: I’m always prepared to listen to the mavericks, the gainsayers, the ones who swim against the tide and whisper dissent into the echo chamber. As John Stuart Mill advised, it’s always worth paying attention to lone voices of disagreement.

And conservatives are very much the lone voices in Hollywood. As Rhys-Davies admits, “Every time I open my mouth, I may be committing career suicide”. This is no idle joke: celebrities from David Bellamy to Roseanne Barr have had their careers summarily cancelled just for saying something not approved by the left-elite.

Part-time New Zealand resident Rhys-Davies’ latest career suicide attempt is defending Christianity and the West.

“The Lord of the Rings” star […]He revealed that he often finds himself defending Christianity.

“I count myself a rationalist and a skeptic, and I find myself constantly defending Christians and Christianity,” Rhys-Davies told The Christian Post while on the red carpet at the popular awards show that celebrates faith and family content.

“We seem to forget that Christian civilization has made the world a better place than it ever was,” he continued.

The U.K. native said one of Christianity’s greatest “glories, was the abolition of slavery” but maintained that slavery still exists and it makes him mad.

The persistence of slavery in certain pockets of the world is something Rhys-Davies knows from personal experience.

As the child of a low-level colonial officer, Rhys-Davies grew up between Tanzania and Wales. It was in Africa that his father, a “working-class socialist”, pointed out the enduring Islamic slave-trade and its tacit toleration by the globalist order. “My father showed me a dhow in the harbor at Dar es Salaam and said, ‘You see that dhow? Twice a year it comes down from Aden filled with boxes of goods. On the way back up it’s got two or three black boys on it. Those boys are slaves. And the U.N. won’t let me do a thing about it’.”

It’s Rhys-Davies’ forthright views on Islam, in fact, which most outrage the globalist “liberal” wokerati.

“There is a demographic catastrophe happening in Europe that nobody wants to talk about,” he bluntly states. “I think that radical Islam has declared war on the West[…]It’s not a question of the decency of Muslims[…but] radical Islamist groups are controlling, manipulating, and forming the attitudes of Muslims throughout Europe.”

By contrast, Rhys-Davies rightly points out the enduring (although not for long, if the left have anything to do with it) gifts of the West – what was once called “Christendom”.

“All the things that we value, the right of free speech, the right of the individual conscience, these evolved in first and second century Roman Christendom, where the individual Christian said, ‘I have a right to believe, what I believe and not what the Emperor tells me.’ From that our whole idea of democracy and the equality that we have has developed,” Rhys-Davies said.

“We owe Christianity the greatest debt of thanks that a generation can ever have and to slight it and to dismiss it as being irrelevant is the detritus of rather ill read minds, I think,” he added.


All of which is the rankest heresy in “liberal” circles, where Islam is the worshipped “religion of peace” and Christianity and the entire West are endlessly demonised as the root of all the world’s evils.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...