We are now two- thirds of the way through the term of this Government led by the Labour Party on a slogan of “Let’s Do This.” So what have they done? In truth, not a lot and much of what they have done has turned out to be counterproductive. The question of why is answered by a group photo of the Labour MPs posted on Backchat on Sunday night. There looked to be no more competence amongst them than you would have found at the chimpanzees’ tea party at the Auckland Zoo in the 1950s.

The big failure of this Government has been to form hundreds of working groups of so-called experts to provide advice on legislation to be passed. What they should have been doing is consulting with the real experts, those working in the area affected by the legislation and who would, therefore, be personally affected by it. But that is not how the left of politics work. Today, the left increasingly operate somewhere between Socialism and Marxism. The hard left in America and Britain are of the Marxist philosophy which is where Ardern would like to take this country. So her “Let’s Do This” is more of a let’s do this but as we tell you.

Hence the working groups with people selected the majority of whom will support the groups’ recommendations which will be along the lines of what the Government wants to be written into the legislation. This is nothing short of a farce and a complete waste of time and money, Michael Cullen and his tax working group being a prime example. The CGT was never a good idea in terms of electoral acceptance and any competent Government could have worked that out for themselves. These working groups are just a sham to have the peasants, that’s you and I, believe that there is some form of democracy in action. LOL!

The gun buyback program is another good example. A knee jerk reaction which I suspect, more than anything, was a not too subtle attempt by the PM to get her name in lights on the world stage yet again. I’m sure that outfit I call the Useless Nations in New York would have been impressed. Instead of talking with law-abiding gun owners, let’s tell them instead that they can’t have their guns. Never mind our friends in the gangs, they can keep theirs. As it turns out, the whole nonsense has had it’s obvious and desired outcome – most gun owners have taken their lead from gang HQ and kept theirs too.

Climate Change is another that comes to mind. Would it have been a good idea to consult with the agricultural sector on these matters? Apparently not. Let’s do this as a Minister by carrying out the boring task of attending farmers meetings to tell them to like it or lump it in regard to regulations, thereby again feigning democracy, or do it the other way. That is, if the farmers have the audacity to front up at Parliament, barely give them the time of day and label them rednecks! Any competent Government would know this is not how you win friends. But not the left. Farmers are rich pricks and will be dealt with accordingly.

Housing and Kiwibuild. Was there any consultation with the building and construction industry in terms of how viable was the pie in the sky idea of building 100,000 houses in terms of land and personnel availability? No, just “Let’s Do This.” And then when it’s found out to be a lame duck, let’s scrap the targets. How easy is that? Were landlords, also supposedly rich pricks, consulted re the effects of new regulations to be implemented and what negative effects they might have on the rental market? No, just “Let’s Do This” and then wonder why the rental market has collapsed and, as a result, rents have skyrocketed.

Transport is another. “Let’s Do This” in this area means, in Auckland, dozens of suburban buses running around with few passengers and in Wellington an unworkable bus timetable. What this Government, particularly the loopy Greens, would like it to mean is – on yer bike – regardless of whether you’re doing the school run or the supermarket shopping. They would like us to start using all the cycleways that hardly anyone uses that the government have wasted money on. Meanwhile, the number of vehicles goes up on roads that are under increasing strain, thereby increasing congestion and doing goodness knows what to the carbon emissions. Any competent Government would know you have to invest in new roads.

How about Education. Here the Unions say “Let’s Do This” and we do it. They say no to  Charter Schools so they scrap them, well not entirely, they bring them under their control, thereby once again feigning democracy. One good thing the Minister has done, no doubt at the Union’s request, is to scrap the meaningless decile system. No competent Government would allow itself to be dictated to in this manner. Union money talks!

Energy is a pearler. “Let’s Do This” became “lm Doing This”, the infamous Captain’s Call to bastardise the oil and gas industry. I wonder if the Captain might see any linkage between that, looking to the future, and the fact that in the last year we have imported the most amount of coal since 2006. I very much doubt it. We have plenty of our own but can’t mine it because the green luvvies are petrified we might kill a snail. No competent Government would have a bar of this type of bollocks.

The list goes on but the recurring theme is that you will do as we say which is the mantra of the left. The elections in Britain and America proved that those workers, particularly in the industries, who are reliant on keeping their jobs will vote for the party most likely to provide that security. Left or right is becoming increasingly irrelevant. This is something the likes of Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the hard left, including the Captain here, need to realise. Their idea of utopia where everyone is the same has never worked and won’t work now or in the future.

A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.