The Church and State Summit is more than a conference; it’s a mission.

Our nation was formed with a Christian heritage and in acknowledgement of our humble reliance on the blessings of Almighty God. It’s time to defend that foundation and rebuild Christian culture for the sake of future generations. We can no longer take freedom, peace and justice for granted.

The redefinition of marriage has removed any doubt that there is a war for the hearts of our 25 million neighbours happening, or that the enemies of Truth have been waging it for decades without us. For too long we’ve sat on the sidelines for one reason or another. Many didn’t know there was a culture war being fought, many didn’t feel “gifted” or equipped to fight it.

The Church And State Summit 2018 will unite hundreds of believers from all denominations, occupations, ages and walks of life. It will help you grow in understanding the Voice of the Church to society, and will provide you the basic training necessary so you can confidently represent Christ in important conversations about public issues.


I'm a girl Friday who schedules posts. I'm in my early twenties and I voted for ACT at the last election.