These horrible tv licence goons tried their hardest to gain some evidence that the householder had equipment capable of receiving live TV broadcasts. When they failed to gain said evidence, they then resorted to claiming that the householder had tried to “obstruct” them. This is what happens when you let a tv licence bullies into your home. They don’t care that you’re innocent. All they are after is their £20 commission and they will go to inordinate lengths to do just that. The moral of the story is this: NEVER LET A TV LICENSING GOON INTO YOUR HOME. Never trust anyone or anything that comes out of the BBC. If a TV Licence goon calls at your home, simply say “I do not need or want a TV Licence as I don’t watch live TV broadcasts.” And then shut the door. It’s as simple as that.

Horrible TV licence Bullies Try To Stitch Up Householder

I'm a girl Friday who schedules posts. I'm in my early twenties and I voted for ACT at the last election.